All the hateful wanna-be's attending former First Lady Rosalynn Carter's funeral are so jealous of the most beautiful First Lady we've ever had, Melania Trump, that they can't get the uppity stink-eye off their faces. Although, to be fair, you couldn't scrub the fugly off Michael's face with Ajax and a pack of Brillo pads.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
UPDATE: Three Israeli civilian citizens killed in this terrorist attack.
This is what Palestinians/Hamas call a cease-fire … it means that Israel is supposed to stop shooting back. They are filthy fatherless barbarians and they cannot be appeased. They need to be crushed until anyone and everyone who identifies as belonging to Hamas is eliminated.
I make little distinction between Hamas and Palestinians … Palestinians voted for Hamas which means they believe in Hamas ideologies and policies.
It looks like they let the driver live … bad mistake, he will try it again. KILL ‘EM ALL, let God sort ‘em out.
405. This video has been out for ever. (The Copyright says 2000) But it was a well made video for the time … I’m not saying that everything was as it would have been … just that it’s a funny video and impressive for the time period. Still, to this day, the best part of the video for me is when the old lady catches up to him and flips the bird as she drives by … oblivious.
(‘The 405,’ which is how Californicans say it, is a major freeway (Interstate Highway) in California. Here in the South we would call it I-405 but the freaks in California have to do things the gay way.)
Biden’s DOJ Targets Trump Supporters on Twitter
Demands List of All Users Who Retweeted, Liked, or Mentioned President Trump’s Twitter Account.
Political hitman Jack Smith ordered Twitter-X to turn over information on President Trump’s popular Twitter account during his continued fishing expedition into President Trump.
Jack Smith and the Biden DOJ also demanded information on all Twitter-X users who retweeted President Trump, liked President Trump’s tweets, or mentioned President Trump’s account in their tweets.
Merrick Garland is going to target all of the Trump supporters in their continued witch hunt against President Donald Trump.
This is what tyranny looks like.
The lawless DOJ released the highly redacted order to Twitter earlier this week.
Confronting Communist China
The CDC and the FBI ignored a rogue biolab in Reedley, California, connected to the Chinese Communist Party.
Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) accused the Biden Administration of grossly neglecting our homeland security. Gallagher stated that the CDC and the FBI ignored a rogue biolab in Reedley, California, connected to the Chinese Communist Party, and initially refused to even investigate it.
We first reported on this Chinese biolab in late July. But now there is additional information and none of it makes this story any less disturbing. This should be major news. Yet, the Biden White House and the “mainstream media” don’t want you to know about it.
Local officials begged the CDC and the FBI to investigate what was going on at the Reedley facility. But the bureaucrats literally hung up on them. It was only after a local building inspector took action and a local congressman got involved that the whole thing was exposed.
According to Rep. Gallagher, who chairs a special House committee investigating the Chinese Communist Party’s activities in the United States, the lab was being run by a Chinese citizen, Jiabei “Jesse” Zhu, who was in the U.S. illegally.
Zhu, who has an outstanding arrest warrant in Canada related to $330 million in intellectual property theft, received millions of dollars in “unexplained wire transfers” from communist China while he operated this secret biolab.
Somehow, he bought at least 20 lethal pathogens online, including a deadly form of malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, and possibly even Ebola. How is that even possible? Several lab workers identified themselves as Chinese citizens and the building inspector noticed many vials labeled in Mandarin Chinese.
The national security threats involved here are obvious. Asked how many more secret biolabs may exist in the U.S., Gallagher replied, “The honest answer is we don’t know,” adding, “This has revealed a huge soft underbelly in our domestic national security. It’s incredibly troubling.”
This is another example of the Biden Administration putting America last. It’s also more evidence of the fact that communist China is not a normal country. It’s not just another “trading partner” we can do business with. It is an enemy that is actively working to undermine us every single day.
GRAPHIC WARNING: Newly released video shows (filthy, rapist, barbaric, fatherless) Hamas terrorists murdering a would be hostage who refused to go with them.
A new video from October 7th shows Hamas murdering a hostage in cold blood who refused to go with them in the back of a pickup truck. They pulled him out of the truck and shot him. He fell to the ground and they shot him a bunch more times.
These are the (POS) monsters Israel MUST eliminate.
Video is at the bottom link, but here is another link if that one doesn’t work.
In 1943, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, and Royal Air Force with 2 early Sikorsky helicopters, based out of Coast Guard Airstation Brooklyn, NY practiced the first ship-helo landings aboard MV Daghestan. Their efforts laid the groundwork for shipboard helo ops in use to this day. At the time, this was driven by the need for an airborne asset that could patrol longer range to protect convoys for ASW.
MV Daghestan
Wartime construction built for the Hindustan Steam Shipping Co. Ltd, of Newcastle to replace a lost ship of the same name, MV* Daghestan was a 7,200-ton Santa Rosa SR-3 type grainer with four holds. Laid down at William Doxford & Sons Ltd., Pallion, as Yard No. 674, she was completed in August 1941. As a British cargo ship plying the North Atlantic during the “Happy Times” of Donitz’s U-boat wolf packs, her life expectancy outlook was mixed at best, and she was soon on regular convoy runs.
Soon after she was completed, Daghestan was one of eight privately-owned British merchies that, along with 27 Ministry of War Transport-owned ships, were selected for use in the Catapult Armed Merchantman program. The CAM ships were a desperate effort by the Brits to counter long-ranging German Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor patrol bombers of Fliegerführer Atlantik who were prowling the sea lanes between Canada and Ireland, bird-dogging convoys who had no air cover.
*Motor Vessel
MV Daghestan - 1 - German Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor
MV Daghestan - 2 - German Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor
Carrying a low-UHF band sea search radar and a 2,000-pound bomb load, the Condor could remain aloft for 14 hours, ranging some 2,200 miles from bases in occupied France, haunting not only the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel but pushing out to the Irish Sea and North Atlantic proper as well.
The ungainly Condors proved extremely effective in both cueing U-boats and plinking freighters on their own, reportedly taking credit for some 365,000 tons of Allied shipping between June 1940 and February 1941 via low-altitude bomb drops on slow-moving targets.
Winston Churchill described the Condor as the “Scourge of the Atlantic” and penned a March 1941 memo to the MOD saying:
1. We must take the offensive against the U-boat and the Fokke Wulf wherever we can and whenever we can. The U-boat at sea must be hunted, the U-boat in the building yard or in dock must be bombed. The Fokke Wulf, and other bombers employed against our shipping, must be attacked in the air and in their nests.
2. Extreme priority will be given to fitting out ships to catapult, or otherwise launch, fighter aircraft against bombers attacking our shipping. Proposals should be made within a week.
As with the other CAM ships, Daghestan had a short 85-foot catapult fitted over her bow, just past her forward cargo hatch– these mini aircraft carriers were still expected to carry their full cargo load on escort missions. Her aircraft, mounted on the cat for a single-use launch, was a decrepit “Sea Hurricane Mk. IA,” an aircraft essentially on its last legs and otherwise unfit for further front-line service but still flyable enough to take on a slow and relatively lightly armed Condor in a one-on-one dogfight.
MV Daghestan - 3 - Sea Hurricane I Merchant Ship Fighting Unit aboard a Catapult Armed Merchant Gibraltar
MV Daghestan - 4 - Sea Hurricane I Merchant Ship Fighting Unit aboard a Catapult Armed Merchant Gibraltar
MV Daghestan - 5 - Sea Hurricane I Merchant Ship Fighting Unit aboard a Catapult Armed Merchant Gibraltar
MV Daghestan - 6 - Sea Hurricane I Merchant Ship Fighting Unit aboard a Catapult Armed Merchant Gibraltar
Modified by General Aircraft Limited to be carried by CAM ships, these Sea Hurricanes, typically referred to as Hurricats or Catafighters, were given more than 80 modifications including an easily removable canopy (as the pilot likely had to ditch at sea), a 44-gallon overflow fuel tank to extend the plane’s range (which might make it able to reach shore) and an on-board rapidly deployable dinghy for logical reasons. About 50 such Hurricanes were converted, assigned to the RAF’s purpose-formed Merchant Ship Fighter Unit, and manned by volunteers.
MV Daghestan - 7 - Sea Hurricane I - RATO (Rocket-Assisted Take-Off)
The catapult was angled to starboard over the bow, both to prevent the blast from its rockets smoking the superstructure, and to reduce the risk of the pilot being overtaken by the ship, should the Hurricat wind up ditching on launch.
One of the pilots assigned to Daghestan during her CAM service, Alec Lumsden, reportedly told his son that “his back was never the same” after being catapult certified.
MV Daghestan - 8 - Sea Hurricane Ia MSFU LUB A Lumsden V6802 Atlantic Sep-Oct 1941
Between August 1941 and August 1942, Daghestan shipped out on at least seven Atlantic convoys as a CAM ship, often with similarly equipped vessels to help share the load.
While she did not have to launch her Hurricat, at least nine combat launches from other CAM ships took place during the conflict, resulting in nine downed German aircraft, thus proving the concept. When it came to the Hurricats themselves, eight of the nine launched ditched at sea, with seven pilots recovered alive. The ninth aircraft, on a Murmansk convoy, was close enough to Russia to make shore– after splashing two He 111s out of Norway.
MV Daghestan - 9 - Sea Hurricane I Merchant Ship Fighting Unit MS Empire Faith summer 1941-01
Regardless, with the increased use of escort carriers, the CAM project was phased out by 1943, leaving Daghestan and her fellow Hurricat-carrying partners to land their catapults and bid the RAF goodbye. She went on to pull at least another seven convoys with just her guns for protection by October 1943, but that doesn’t mean she was done with aviation.
Enter the whirlybird
Igor I. Sikorsky’s attempts to create a practical helicopter got a big boost from the Army in December 1940 when they gave him $50,000 for his XR-4 concept aircraft, itself a development of his earlier VS-300. The helicopter first flew on 14 January 1942, with Sikorsky chief test pilot Les Morris at the controls. The first production aircraft, 41-18874, was adopted by the Army in May 1942.
MV Daghestan - 10 - First Public Film Of Army Helicopter - Sikorsky XR-4 (1942)
The Sikorsky R-4 was a two-seat helicopter designed by Igor Sikorsky with a single, three-bladed main rotor and powered by a radial engine. The R-4 was the world's first large-scale mass-produced helicopter and the first helicopter used by the United States Army Air Forces, the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard and the United Kingdom's Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. In U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard service, the helicopter was known as the Sikorsky HNS-1. (In British service, it was known as the Hoverfly.) The R-4 began as the VS-316, which was developed from the famous experimental VS-300 helicopter, invented by Igor Sikorsky and publicly demonstrated in 1940. The VS-316 was designated the XR-4 under the United States Army Air Forces' series for "Rotorcraft" and is the aircraft the army is proudly showing off in this 1942 film. The XR-4 first flew on 14 January 1942 and was accepted by the Army on 30 May 1942. The XR-4 exceeded all the previous helicopter endurance, altitude and airspeed records that had been set before it. The XR-4 completed a 761-mile (1,225 km) cross-country flight from Connecticut to Wright Field, Ohio, set a service ceiling record of 12,000 feet (3,700 m), while achieving 100 flight hours without a major incident and an airspeed approaching 90 mph (140 km/h).
By 1943, more advanced versions of the R-4 were fielded, and the aircraft was theorized to be able to carry small bombs or casualty litters.
The U.S. Navy accepted its first helicopter on 16 October 1943, a Sikorsky YR-4B (HNS-1) at Bridgeport, Connecticut, following a 60-minute test flight by U.S. Coast Guard LCDR Frank A. Erickson.
Soon, floats were fitted to make the eggbeater amphibious, leading to tests from the decks of the hastily converted freighter SS Bunker Hill and the troopship USS James Parker. From there, the Coast Guard and Navy ordered a trio of YR-4Bs while the Royal Navy signed on for seven. In the end, the Navy would up this to a full 20 aircraft, designating it the HNS-1 (Helicopter, Navy, Sikorsky, model 1) while the British Fleet Air Arm, in conjunction with the RAF, would eventually buy 45.
The first British ship to operate them was the humble Daghestan.
Coast Guard LCDR Frank A. Erickson, an unsung aviation pioneer, trained at Sikorsky Aircraft Company’s plant at Bridgeport then by November 1943 was aboard Daghestan, which was anchored in Long Island as a floating testbed for the YR-4 series. With her bow catapult long removed, she now carried a stern helicopter pad.
MV Daghestan - 11 - First Ship-Helo Landings - Coast Guard Airstation, Brooklyn, NY
MV DAGHESTAN (British freighter) Lies anchored in Long Island, while a Sikorsky HSN-1 (BuNo 46445) landing in the water (below). Note, she now has four elevated gun tubs as her two original stern tubs were replaced by the landing pad. Photograph received in January 1944 but was likely taken in late 1943. 80-G-159947
In all, Erickson would conduct shipboard trials with the R-4 while eventually training 102 helicopter pilots and 225 mechanics, including personnel from the Army Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and the British Army, Royal Air Force, and Navy.
MV Daghestan - 12 - HNS-1 in Flight. Note the litter. (Coast Guard Historian’s Office)
He also made history on 3 January 1944 when he rushed much-needed plasma by helicopter from Battery Park to a hospital in Sandy Hook through a severe winter storm. The plasma, used to treat injured sailors from the damaged destroyer USS Turner (DD-648), was a literal lifesaver.
MV Daghestan - 13 - U.S. Navy Sikorsky HSN-1 (BuNo 46445) Landing on board the British MV DAGHESTAN in Long Island Sound, likely in late 1943. Pilot: Lieutenant Commander Frank A. Erickson, USCG. Note details of the landing platform; markings and color scheme on HNS-1.
MV Daghestan - 14 - BuNo 46445 takes off from a platform constructed on board the British MV, Daghestan.
As for MV Daghestan, she solidified her place in naval lore when she left New York in convoy HX 274 on 6 January 1944, headed to Liverpool, with two Royal Navy-manned R-4s aboard, ready to fight. Daghestan’s choppers were fitted with floats and believed to have flown convoy-protection trials from the ship during the voyage.
MV Daghestan - 15 - Note the two R-4s on her stern. This is during the Jan 6-22 convoy to the UK, the first with helicopter support. Her platform looks to have been greatly extended to support the embarked airwing.
The trials must have been successful as the Brits soon deployed other R-4s, dubbed Hoverfly Is, with the escort carrier HMS Thane (D48) at the end of December 1944.
In the meantime, MV Daghestan was back to her more traditional convoy runs, sans choppers. Typically carrying Canadian wheat/grain/flour and mail, she crossed the Atlantic at least 18 times headed West to Britain, and then returned back east again with largely empty holds.
Sold in 1957 to Asimarfield Shipping Corporation of Monrovia, she left her Red Duster behind for a Liberian flag as MV Annefield for another decade of service.
On 21 February 1969, MV Annefield was delivered to Isaac Manuel Davalillo in Castellon, Spain, where demolition began in May.
Hamas Wants UN To Condemn Wilders For ‘Violating International Law.’
Dutch populist firebrand Geert Wilders, fresh after winning the Dutch national elections last week, is facing backlash from the terrorist group Hamas, along with several Arab states, for suggesting that Palestinians should be relocated to Jordan as a means to solve the ongoing conflict between the Palestinians and Israel.
Hamas has called on the international community as well as the United Nations to condemn Wilders for breaking international law, seven weeks after the group murdered around 1,200 Israelis in a surprise terror attack.
According to a report from the Israeli news website Ynet last week, Wilders has made comments in the past claiming that Jordan should change its name to Palestine and allow the Palestinian people to settle there, putting an end to their conflict with the Israelis and allowing the Palestinians to have their own state.
Over the weekend, on Saturday, November 25th, Wilders reiterated his position on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter, saying “Jordan is Palestine!”
Both the Arab League and the Palestinian Authority slammed Wilders for his remarks, with the Palestinian Authority claiming Wilders was issuing ”a call to escalate the aggression against our people and a blatant interference in their affairs and future.”
Hamas, the Palestinian Gaza-based terrorist group who murdered over a thousand Israeli civilians on October 7th, also released their own statement regarding Wilders:
We strongly condemn the statement of the Dutch extremist Wilders, who calls for the displacement of our people to Jordan, which calls for widespread international condemnation
We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) condemn in the strongest terms the racist statement of Dutch extremist Geert Wilders, in which he called for the displacement of our people to Jordan, and we consider it a fascist position aligned with the plans of the Nazi-Zionist occupation, in a delusional attempt to displace our people from their land and Islamic and Christian sanctities.
We call on the international community and the United Nations to condemn this racist, fascist statement that violates international law and the right of our people to their land, and we affirm that our Palestinian people will continue their legitimate struggle against the occupation until its demise, and achieve their national aspirations in a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, despite the noses of the neo-Nazis.
Wilders mocked the Hamas statement saying, “Hamas complaining about international law,” adding a clown face emoji.
Wilders has been a longtime supporter of Israel and has previously called the country “the West’s first line of defence against Islam.”
The firebrand Party for Freedom (PVV) leader has also been a longstanding critic of the religion of Islam as a whole, equating radical Islamist mosques to Nazism, labelling them “Nazi temples” and proposing that the Netherlands ban the Quran and close all mosques in the country in 2016 as part of a “de-Islamification” platform.
As a result of his views, Wilders has been under heavy police protection since 2004 due to threats from Islamist radicals following the murder of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh that same year, who was killed by a Muslim originally from Morocco.
US Military M35 series 2½-ton 6x6 cargo truck being tested underwater in 1951, note extended Air Intake and Exhaust Pipes.
(I found these pictures several years ago but I can’t find the original article anywhere.)
Designed for the US Military by the REO Motor Car Company, the M35 was manufactured from 1950-1999 by;
REO, Kaiser, AM General, Kia & SsangYong (South Korea) and Bombardier (Canada)
Many different variations and models were made and it is still in service around the world.
Original Color & B/W Pictures
LIFE Magazine Archives - Peter Stackpole Photographer
Court Says Media Outlets Defamed Conservative Economist, Orders Them To Pay Massive Settlement.
The IRS targeted economist Peter Schiff for tax evasion, and found nothing.
An Australian judge is ordering two media outlets to pay American economist Peter Schiff more than half a million dollars for defaming him.
It’s the latest fallout in a bizarre scandal in which the IRS and the governments of five other countries joined together to target Schiff, a frequent guest on conservative media, with the “biggest tax evasion investigation in the world.”
Despite poring over every detail of a bank he ran in Puerto Rico, authorities failed to come up with a single charge. But government agents apparently leaked the existence of the investigation to the New York Times and Australian media outlets The Age and 60 Minutes, both of which are owned by Australian media giant Nine. The journalists took Schiff’s advocacy for low-tax policies as evidence that he would break existing tax law.
The media reporting on the unfounded investigation led to a series of calamities for the bank, culminating in it being shuttered by a Puerto Rican regulator — with the IRS falsely taking credit for the closure and suggesting it was because of money laundering and tax evasion, even though its investigation substantiated neither of the charges.
Tax agents appeared to work closely with the media on that infamous press conference. The New York Times learned that the bank was being shuttered, purportedly because of the criminal probe dubbed “Operation Atlantis,” before Schiff did.
Officials may have violated the law by disclosing the existence of a grand jury to reporters. But with little recourse against the U.S. government, Schiff sued the journalists who seemed to be in cahoots with the agents in Australian court.
He named The Age, 60 Minutes, as well as two reporters — Charlotte Grieve and Nick McKenzie — who worked on an over-the-top video segment as well as an article. An Australian judge ruled that the television segment was defamatory, but the article was not.
The Australian journalists strongly suggested that Schiff was guilty of money laundering and tax evasion crimes, and that the case showed the need for more financial regulation. The story came as some Australian politicos were pushing a law that would give the government new powers to monitor people’s money — Schiff was made to be the poster-child villain.
Discovery in the lawsuit gave insight into the inner workings of major media outlets and suggested that they were determined to make Schiff’s bank, Euro Pacific, play such a narrative role. Interview notes and transcripts showed that their own sources often told them that Schiff’s bank was rigorously compliant. Then they used fast-cut editing to give the impression the witnesses said the opposite.
The Australian 60 Minutes segment suggested that Schiff’s Euro Pacific Bank opened accounts for money launderers, tax evaders, and criminals, and that it was attractive because it did little to vet its clients. But when Grieve asked one confidential source, a former customer, what opening an account was like, he said “it took weeks and weeks and weeks.”
“They were just so careful about making sure who they were dealing with, I’ve never come across anything like it,” the source said, according to interview notes disclosed in a court filing.
Peter Schiff and Tucker Carlson Were Right on Inflation
Read much, much more at the link:
When people look at the 'skyline' of a place like NYC and they say that "it's beautiful" I wonder just wtf they're talking about. I hate those city skyscapes because I'm so used to living in the country and I could never see that as beautiful.
On a lighter side, I think Gaza does have a beautiful skyline these days ...
On This Date In History
On November 30, 1874, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the British leader who guided Great Britain and the Allies through the crisis of World War II, is born at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England.
Churchill came from a prestigious family with a long history of military service and joined the British Fourth Hussars upon his father’s death in 1895. During the next five years, he enjoyed an illustrious military career, serving in India, the Sudan, and South Africa, and distinguishing himself several times in battle. In 1899, he resigned his commission to concentrate on his literary and political career and in 1900 was elected to Parliament as a Conservative MP from Oldham. In 1904, he joined the Liberals, serving in a number of important posts before being appointed Britain’s First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911, where he worked to bring the British navy to a readiness for the war he foresaw.
In 1915, in the second year of World War I, Churchill was held responsible for the disastrous Dardanelles and Gallipoli campaigns, and he was excluded from the war coalition government. He resigned and volunteered to command an infantry battalion in France. However, in 1917, he returned to politics as a cabinet member in the Liberal government of Lloyd George. From 1919 to 1921, he was secretary of state for war and in 1924 returned to the Conservative Party, where two years later he played a leading role in the defeat of the General Strike of 1926. Out of office from 1929 to 1939, Churchill issued unheeded warnings of the threat of German and Japanese aggression.
After the outbreak of World War II in Europe, Churchill was called back to his post as First Lord of the Admiralty and eight months later replaced the ineffectual Neville Chamberlain as prime minister of a new coalition government. In the first year of his administration, Britain stood alone against Nazi Germany, but Churchill promised his country and the world that the British people would “never surrender.” He rallied the British people to a resolute resistance and expertly orchestrated Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin into an alliance that eventually crushed the Axis.
In July 1945, 10 weeks after Germany’s defeat, his Conservative government suffered an electoral loss against Clement Attlee’s Labour Party, and Churchill resigned as prime minister. He became leader of the opposition and in 1951 was again elected prime minister. Two years later, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II and awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his six-volume historical study of World War II and for his political speeches. In 1955, he retired as prime minister but remained in Parliament until 1964, the year before his death.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
BREAKING: 5th group of Hamas hostages have been released to Red Cross.
Plus Hostage/Prisoner Count Update
More hostages have just been released from Hamas and given to the Red Cross, according to breaking reports.
The hostages are estimated to only be about 10.
This would bring the total to 79 hostages and 89 total if Hamas releases 10 more tomorrow. It’s not nearly enough but as I said before, Hamas is never going to release them all. I don’t believe they know where all of them are AND I’m, sadly, willing to bet that many of them haven’t survived until today … we are talking about murderous, raping, barbarian hordes of filth after all.
150 Palestinian criminals have been released in exchange for 89 innocent civilian hostages … where is the outrage?
National Christmas tree falls DOWN. Perfectly summing up Joe Biden’s presidency.
In what could be seen as a metaphor for the current administration, the Christmas tree at the White House was blown over by strong winds on Monday evening.
The towering tree, traditionally a symbol of holiday spirit and stability, succumbed to unexpected gusts. The White House Christmas tree tradition, also known as the National Christmas Tree, is a historic and celebrated American holiday custom.
Yeah, I know this is fake BUT IT DOES realistically reflect the amount of faith that I think you should put in ANYONE of the Muslim 'fa...