Thursday, November 30, 2023

Confronting Communist China
The CDC and the FBI ignored a rogue biolab in Reedley, California, connected to the Chinese Communist Party.

Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) accused the Biden Administration of grossly neglecting our homeland security. Gallagher stated that the CDC and the FBI ignored a rogue biolab in Reedley, California, connected to the Chinese Communist Party, and initially refused to even investigate it.
We first reported on this Chinese biolab in late July. But now there is additional information and none of it makes this story any less disturbing. This should be major news. Yet, the Biden White House and the “mainstream media” don’t want you to know about it.
Local officials begged the CDC and the FBI to investigate what was going on at the Reedley facility. But the bureaucrats literally hung up on them. It was only after a local building inspector took action and a local congressman got involved that the whole thing was exposed.
According to Rep. Gallagher, who chairs a special House committee investigating the Chinese Communist Party’s activities in the United States, the lab was being run by a Chinese citizen, Jiabei “Jesse” Zhu, who was in the U.S. illegally.
Zhu, who has an outstanding arrest warrant in Canada related to $330 million in intellectual property theft, received millions of dollars in “unexplained wire transfers” from communist China while he operated this secret biolab.
Somehow, he bought at least 20 lethal pathogens online, including a deadly form of malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, and possibly even Ebola. How is that even possible? Several lab workers identified themselves as Chinese citizens and the building inspector noticed many vials labeled in Mandarin Chinese.
The national security threats involved here are obvious. Asked how many more secret biolabs may exist in the U.S., Gallagher replied, “The honest answer is we don’t know,” adding, “This has revealed a huge soft underbelly in our domestic national security. It’s incredibly troubling.”
This is another example of the Biden Administration putting America last. It’s also more evidence of the fact that communist China is not a normal country. It’s not just another “trading partner” we can do business with. It is an enemy that is actively working to undermine us every single day.

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