Mother Jones ... always on the wrong (liberal) side of every issue. Yesterday, today and tomorrow ... guaranteed. When they do get something right, it's an accident or a mistake.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Incandescent Light Bulb Ban Starts On August 1; Gas Stove Ban Coming Next.
Biden’s Department of Energy plans to mete out “the maximum civil penalty” against manufacturers that “knowingly distribute” illicit light bulbs which violate their new efficiency standards.
From Politico, “While everyone was yelling about gas stoves, the incandescent light bulb went away”:
It’s lights out for the incandescent bulbs that people have known, changed and singed their hands on for 140 years.
The modern descendant of Thomas Edison’s most famous legacy is set to formally meet its demise in the U.S. at the end of this month, despite years of efforts by Republicans to extend its lifespan. As of Aug. 1, the Energy Department will fully enforce new efficiency regulations that the old bulbs can’t meet, effectively prohibiting their retail sale.
[…] The endgame for old light bulbs came quietly — by early this year, lawmakers had mostly moved on to squabbling over gas stoves and other newer targets of the Energy Department’s efficiency efforts.
With the Biden regime jailing their opposition en masse, transifying kids, threatening to start WWIII and throwing open the borders, certain issues have to take a back seat.
Over a decade ago, though, the light bulb issue shone bright for tea party conservatives and GOP presidential hopefuls, who accused Democrats of trying to limit consumers’ choices.
CFL bulbs — the alternative at the time — literally induced migraine headaches in otherwise healthy people. When they broke, a hazmat team was needed to clean up the mercury they released.
Republican lawmakers even succeeded in passing legislation to block the Obama administration from carrying out the new efficiency standards — sometimes to the irritation of large light bulb manufacturers that had spent big bucks preparing for them.
[…] The fight zigged, then zagged: The Obama administration took action in its waning days to finalize the bulb efficiency requirements, only for former President Donald Trump — who once proclaimed energy-efficient bulbs made him “look orange” — to halt the move. But DOE pushed the rules to the finish line last year after President Joe Biden came into office with a climate agenda that includes a focus on energy efficiency measures.
Trump blocking the ban was one of the highlights of his presidency.
DOE completed the action last April, but full enforcement of the rule is set to begin Aug. 1. The transition away from the inefficient bulbs has been underway for more than a year, as the department provided flexibility for manufacturers and retailers to comply with the new standard.
That fight may be settled, but the larger fight over energy efficiency standards is still looming. Republican lawmakers in recent months have continually derided the Biden administration’s efficiency actions on everything from more efficient stoves to laundry machines and dishwashers.
For example, the Energy Department is proposing new efficiency standards covering gas stoves as well as electric stoves and ovens. Advocates say the rule would save consumers money on natural gas and lessen a source of greenhouse gas pollution, but critics point to DOE estimates that only about half of gas stoves now in the market could meet the proposed standards — something they contend amounts to a de-facto ban.
[…] DOE said it intends to seek the maximum civil penalty against [light bulb] manufacturers that knowingly distribute products that violate the standards. The department has previously issued civil penalties worth tens of thousands of dollars for companies violating its energy conservation standards.
Over half the country still appears to be using mostly incandescents.
Forty-seven percent of U.S. households reported using LED bulbs for most indoor lighting in 2020, according to the Energy Information Administration, up from only 4 percent in 2015.
It’s still not clear what incandescents will survive this ban. There’s some exemptions for certain specialty bulbs but I can’t find a definitive list anywhere.
Incandescents are still the best bulbs there are as the light they produce is 100 on the color rendering index — meaning it’s identical to sunlight — whereas the best LEDs are only around 90.
Nonetheless, as is now the norm, the plebs must be made to suffer to advance the “liberal world order.”
Illegal Aliens with Work Authorization Now Permitted to Become Police Officers in Illinois
It may be entirely possible in Illinois now for a police officer to demand to see your papers for identity compliance even though that police officer may be an illegal alien who broke U.S. law to enter the United States.
Under a bill recently signed by Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker, illegal aliens can now become police officers. The downstream ramifications of this effort are not difficult to imagine.
As if the crisis of confidence in the U.S. legal and law enforcement system was not under enough pressure, the reality of lawbreaking foreign nationals and border crossers now controlling law enforcement is a rather remarkable escalation in social fracture.
NewsWeek – […] The measure—House Bill 3751—successfully passed the Democratic-controlled state House and the state Senate before being signed into law by the Democratic governor last week. The bill, which will come into force on January 1, 2024, allows eligible immigrants who are not in possession of U.S. citizenship to join law enforcement in Illinois—something that federal laws currently forbid.
[…] Eligible non-U.S. citizens are subject “to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject,” and must be able to obtain, carry, purchase, or otherwise possess a firearm under federal law.
Foreign nationals “against whom the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services have deferred immigration action under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process” will also be eligible, according to the bill’s text.
That means that individuals who came to the country illegally as children and received a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation—known as the DACA process—will be able to apply to become police officers in Illinois. DACA recipients are protected from deportation and have a work permit, though the program does not grant them official legal status.
The 2024 Democrat National Convention will take place in Chicago.
Trans activist David Garfield identifying as a fugly woman, Dana Rivers - who murdered lesbian couple and their 19-year-old son in hate crime - is 'preying on inmates' at women's prison in California.
A transgender triple murderer controversially housed in a women's prison has been accused of 'preying on inmates' while bragging about receiving 'special treatment' due to California's woke incarceration policies.
Dana Rivers, 68, who previously went by David Chester Warfield before transitioning to female, brutally shot and stabbed lesbian couple Charlotte Reed and Patricia Wright, before turning the gun on their 19-year-old adopted son Benny Diambu-Wright in November 2016.
At his sentencing last month, Judge Scott Patton said the killings were 'the most depraved crime I ever handled in the criminal justice system in 33 years'.
But a 2021 California law allowing criminals to request their prison based on their gender identity has allowed Rivers to wreak havoc in Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla, California.
Inmates have complained that he has been leering at the women to make them uncomfortable, while patronizing them and rubbing the outlandish transgender policies in their faces. As part of this, he has allegedly been forcing the women to push him around the prison in a wheelchair.
'Rivers has been a problem since (she) rolled in the door,' one inmate at the facility told the Washington Free Beacon. '(She) is trying to control the women, saying he gets to bypass everything — special treatment.'
Decades before her horrific crime, Rivers was a renowned transgender activist who made national headlines in 1999 after being fired from her teaching job for transitioning genders, and angering faculty by reportedly discussing 'sexuality and the importance of gender self-determination' with students.
Read the rest at:
Klaus Schwab’s Daughter, Nicole: Covid Was Precursor to Coming ‘Climate Lockdowns.’
The daughter of World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab has declared that tyrannical restrictions during the Covid pandemic served as a precursor to coming “climate lockdowns.”
According to Nicole Schwab, Covid was a “tremendous opportunity” to test how the public would comply with authoritarian measures that could be used to usher in the WEF’s “Great Reset” agenda.
The WEF’s promotion of the “climate crisis” narrative seeks to “create a change that is not incremental…to position nature at the core of the economy,” according to the younger Schwab.
Nicole Schwab made the comments in a newly unearthed video that was recorded during a WEF panel discussion in 2020.
The WEF lists Nicole Schwab as a “Member of the Executive Committee” of the globalist organization who is also the co-director of Platform to Accelerate Nature-Based Solutions &
The panel discussion was filed in Yvorne, Switzerland in June 2020.
The participants were discussing how the threat of an “immediate emergency” can be used to further advance other agendas, such as the WEF’s “Great Reset.”
“This [COVID] crisis has shown us that first of all, things can shift very rapidly when we put our minds to it and when we feel the immediate emergency to our livelihoods,” Nicole Schwab says.
“And second, that clearly the system, I mean, you mentioned it earlier, that we had before is not sustainable.
“So I see it as a tremendous opportunity to really have this Great Reset and to use this huge flows of money — to use the increased levers that policymakers have today — in a way that was not possible before to create a change that is not incremental but that we can look back and we can say this is the moment where we really started to position nature at the core of the economy.
“Taking the point of view of business and economy and looking at where are there opportunities to create jobs and regenerate nature?
“And there are plenty of opportunities and this is again a mindset of actually innovation technology and a business growth can happen with a positive impact of nature and kind of laying out some of these examples.
“Regenerative agriculture is, of course, a huge part of that as well,” Schwab insisted.
Read much more and see the video at:
What Progressives Are Progressing Toward
Follow the trajectory of community organizer Barack Obama’s racial grievance politics through Black Lives Matter and into the future, taking into consideration the Biden strategy of displacing the American population with millions upon millions of illegal immigrants from the Third World, who are paid by the federal government to reproduce rapidly. Here’s where it’s headed:
South Africa’s black party sings “kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer”.
Julius Malema is a South African Member of Parliament and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters party. The EFF has vowed to unseat Malema’s former party, the ruling African National Congress. Even if it fails, its leftward pressure pushes the ANC toward ever more alarming radicalism.
Jack Posobiec says South Africa is 30 years ahead of the USA. That might be optimistic. Major cities have already been lost.
The next step after South Africa is Zimbabwe, with 577% inflation and widespread hunger, but at least no more racist white people.
Chillingly, drawing attention to the impending catastrophe can result in cancellation. Advertisers including Google’s AdSense and Taboola permanently blacklisted this site for mentioning it.
If there is global warming, blame Pele, the volcano goddess, not humans.
(I seriously recommend this short article on the realities of ’The Great Global Climate Change Hoax.’)
It turns out that a little-reported natural event last year may account for our long, hot summer.
The media (and Ilhan Omar) are excited: We are experiencing global boiling, not global warming! It’s panic time. This is a hot summer, the hottest in 120,000 years if you ignore that other hot summer in (check notes) 1931 through 2022. So yes, actually, this is a hotter summer than last year, but the blame cannot be laid at our feet or even at the feet of Apollo, the sun god. Instead, it should be laid at the feet of Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess. Yes, you heard that correctly.
First, the hysteria is in play because it’s been hot this summer:
The earth just broke the record for the hottest day in 120,000 years. In fact, we broke in on three separate days.
Put aside the fact that we don’t measure global trends by a single day and that we only started collecting local temperature information in the late 19th century. The important point is that it’s time to panic.
Fortunately for Omar’s reputation as Somalia’s answer to Greta Thunberg, the leftist political class, beginning at the U.N. and working its way down to the media, is on board:
The U.N. chief issued a stark warning on climate change this week: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived,” António Guterres declared in a news briefing, as scientists confirmed that July is set to become Earth’s hottest month on record.
“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” he said at a briefing at U.N. headquarters in New York on Thursday, as he described “children swept away by monsoon rains, families running from the flames [and] workers collapsing in scorching heat.”
He added that data showed that “July has already seen the hottest three-week period ever recorded; the three hottest days on record; and the highest-ever ocean temperatures for this time of year.”
If only Aristotle were here to explain that one swallow does not make a summer, and a hot day does not make a boiling earth. To the contrary, we’re living through a global cooling trend.
Through July 27, the percentage of the US to have reached 95F (35C) this year is third lowest since 1895, down almost 50% from 1931. — Tony Heller (@TonyClimate)
As Anony Mee has explained, we’re beginning a grand solar minimum (, which means that the sun is withdrawing its life-giving heat from our planet. Plants don’t grow, so people starve, and the weather never warms, so people freeze to death ( We should be directing our energy to fight those plagues rather than plotting to block the sun with atomic blasts (
But if this is indeed a warmer summer than usual despite our cooling trend, there’s reason to believe that an underwater volcanic eruption last year is at fault.
Extinction Rebellion, the fanatic group that blocks traffic and despoils art, posted a tweet last week announcing that coral reefs are coming to an end:
“What we found was unimaginable, 100% coral mortality”
Like humans, every living thing has its temperature niche.
Earth is headed toward 2C of heating, when that happens 99% of corals will die. — Extinction Rebellion Global (@ExtinctionR) July 24, 2023
(As an aside, the group’s Twitter/X feed is fascinating because it represents people unable to understand that the earth is doing what it’s always done, only this time in front of the cameras and affecting more people…because there are more people in the world to affect.)
Jeff Childers, however, has a historic memory longer than a second, so he explains what happened last year, which is affecting both water and sky (
Ready to learn something? Let’s meet the historic, record-shattering Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption of 2022, which I bet you never heard of. Back in January 2022, you were probably distracted by covid mandates or maybe by Biden calling himself “Senator” again. The short version is an underwater Pacific Ocean volcano named Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, 490 feet under the waves, massively erupted, bigger than any other modern eruption, even bigger than Mount Pinatubo.
You never heard about it since it was underwater and nobody died. But the erupting lava instantly vaporized fantastic, unimaginable amounts of sea water, which billowed into the atmosphere, changing the water composition of Earth’s atmosphere and heating it up for years. In only a few days, the superheated water from the Hunga Tonga eruption blanketed the globe, pole to pole, East to West.
The eruption was so big it could be clearly seen from space.
Even NASA acknowledged ( that this extraordinary explosion would create massive amounts of greenhouse vapor. However, NASA also got it wrong because it underestimated the amount of vapor heading up. Writes Childers:
Over the next year it would turn out that NASA badly underestimated the amount of water Hunga Tonga vaporized into the atmosphere. Current estimates are three times higher than the original: scientists now think it was closer to 150,000 metric tons, or 40 trillion gallons, of super-heated water instantly injected into the atmosphere. Talk about a greenhouse. Water vapor — humidity — is a much more effective greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Childers has much more on the subject, and I urge you to read it all. And then revisit the story of the year without a summer ( when Mount Tambora, in modern-day Indonesia, blew so much particulate matter into the atmosphere in 1816 that crops died across the world, and people died with them.
We humans have the capacity to destroy our local environment and pollute our waters, which are terrible things to do and should be avoided. However, we are not greater than Apollo or Pele, and definitely not greater than the Biblical God—and we’d do well to remember that fact.
M67 Flamethrower Tank: Vietnam and the Zippo.
The M67 flamethrower tank is one of the iconic American weapon systems from the Vietnam War. Nicknamed the “Zippo,” these flame tanks gave soldiers and Marines a tactical advantage against fortified enemy units.
Since March 7, 1994, the United States Department of Defense has prohibited smoking worldwide in all workplaces and vehicles owned by the Pentagon. Moreover, smoking is even prohibited during basic training. Yet, there was a time when smoking and the U.S. military went hand in hand. During the Second World War, Zippo ceased production of lighters for the consumer market and dedicated all production to the U.S. military. Even today, Zippo produces a line of military-themed commemorative lighters.
However, the lighters aren’t the only connection between Zippo and the U.S. military.
One of the most effective flamethrower tanks in the U.S. military’s arsenal was the “Flame Thrower Tank M67” — more commonly known as the M67 “Zippo.” It saw service with the United States Army, and later by the United States Marine Corps during the war in Vietnam. Though it was the last flamethrower tank used by the U.S. military, it wasn’t actually the first.
A Brief Service History of Flamethrower Tanks
Modern flamethrowers saw their horrific entrance on the battlefield during World War I. German flammenwerfer units experienced moderate successes, prompting the other powers to explore the use of the weapons also. World War I also introduced the tank to the battlefield.
It isn’t any significant surprise to find that the world’s armed forces might want to combine the two. The Soviet Union experimented with flamethrower tanks in the interwar era and adopted several models, including the KhT-27 and the KhT-26 among others.
During the Second World War, the Axis nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan also produced a number of tanks that could shoot flames to varying degrees of success.
The first U.S. flamethrower tank was actually the ominously-named “Satan,” a modified conversion of the M3 Stuart light tank. In place of its main gun, it was fitted with a “Ronson” flamethrower. The M3 Satan was used alongside M4 Sherman tanks that were also fitted with bow-mounted E4-5 flamethrowers to great effect against the heavily entrenched Japanese forces in the Pacific.
United States Marines experienced firsthand the capabilities of flame tanks in the Pacific, as it primarily used tanks in a close infantry support role due to the fact that the type of island hopping campaigns meant there were no significant tank battles — at least not on the scale of those in the European Theater.
During the Korean War, the U.S.M.C. sought a more effective platform to replace the aging M4 Sherman. That led to a request to the development of a M67, which was based on the M48 Patton with its 90mm gun.
Enter the M67
Production of the M67 began in 1952 and continued until 1954. The tank was, however, too late for the war in Korea. Nevertheless, the Marine Corps leadership apparently liked what they saw in the newly designed flame tank. A total of 109 were produced, and while the Army also adopted it briefly, only the Marines actually headed into combat with the flame thrower tank.
What is also notable is that there were actually three versions produced including an M67 on the M48A1 chassis, the M67A1 on the M48A2 chassis, and the M67A2 on the M48A3 chassis. The only difference was in said chassis, as the flamethrower was identical on all models. Each tank weighed around 48 metric tons, a bit heavier than the M48 Patton — due to the flamethrower system and internal fuel tank.
Externally there were a few differences from the basic M48 Patton medium tank.
The M67 was fitted with a flame tube that was actually disguised to resemble a 90mm main gun, albeit the shroud was noticeably wider in diameter and a bit shorter. In hindsight, it was actually somewhat ironic that efforts were made to conceal the flamethrower as it proved to be a terrifying weapon, and one genuinely feared. However, the mock-up gun was fitted to the M67 to disguise it while on the move.
The flame tube was also heavier than the 90mm T54 gun, and though it shared many of the elevation and traverse components that were employed on the M48, the M6 Flame Gun required a complicated shroud, which made the muzzle heavy. This required that a hydraulic equilibrator device be introduced so as to balance the weapon.
Instead of a crew of four that was employed on the M48 Patton, the M67 actually had a crew of three — as it required no loader. Instead, a huge fuel tank was placed in the loader’s position within the turret. This meant that the gunner was charged with operating both the flame gun as well as the coaxial .30 caliber Browning M1919 air-cooled machine gun. It wasn’t an ideal setup, but there weren’t really any other options available.
All tanks can be described as cramped, and the M67 even more so.
Within the turret was a large 398-gallon central “tank,” which held “thickened gasoline,” more commonly known as napalm, which was put under pressure, and ignited by a 24,000-volt electric spark. The total burn time in operation was around a minute, depending on the size of the nozzle employed. Nozzles of 19 mm (.75-inches) and 22 mm (.88-inches) were the most common. The flame tube had an approximate range of 280 yards (256 meters).
Due to the fact that the M67 didn’t need to carry standard ordnance, the ammunition racks for the 90mm ammunition to the left and right of the driver were removed and replaced by stowage bays. This allowed for tools, spare parts for the equipment, and ammunition for the machine gun to be stored.
Baby, Won’t You Light My Fire
In what can only be described as perhaps one of the most bizarre coincidences in modern military history, in January 1967 the American rock band The Doors released their hit single “Light My Fire.” The song would go on to spend three weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart later that same year, and while not as potent of an anti-war song as the group’s “The Unknown Soldier,” it has come to be associated with the Vietnam War.
It was, of course, in that conflict where the M67 Zippo saw its only actions.
Details are sparse on how many of the flamethrower tanks were actually sent to Southeast Asia, but it was first employed in combat in August 1965 during Operation Starlite, the Battle of Van Tuong. It was the U.S. military’s first major action in the war, and during the battle, a number of M67s were ambushed and destroyed.
It wasn’t an ominous baptism of fire, yet the M67 did prove to be well-suited to the guerilla nature of the Vietnam War, and it was often employed to incinerate patches of jungle that may have concealed an enemy position. Such attacks took on the name “Rods of Flame,” and the Zippo was widely feared by the Viet Cong forces.
Urban Combat with the Zippo
It wasn’t just in the jungles where the M67 saw success.
During Operation Dozer, and the Battle of Hue, a pair of M67 Zippos accompanied by a number of M48 Patton tanks led the armored strike into the ancient Vietnamese city. The M67 proved even better suited to the urban combat in Hue than it did in the jungles. However, throughout its service, the M67 needed to be accompanied by a pair of 2 1/2 ton trucks that carried the equipment and supplies for the flamethrower. In most cases, one truck would carry the Napalm supply, while another would be employed to recharge the compressed air system. The need for such support restricted the type of operations where the tank could be used, while it also meant that efforts needed to be made to protect those trucks.
Another issue that limited the success of the M67 was that the flamethrower was noisy — even by tank standards. When the flamethrower was in use, the level of the internal noise within the vehicle was so loud that the commander and gunner would barely hear each other over the intercom. There are reports of tank commanders putting their heads out of the turret so as to direct the gunner. In a firefight that was also far from ideal.
Legacy of the M67
The M67 wasn’t actually the only armored flamethrower to see service in the war. The other was the Self-Propelled Flame Thrower M132, a modified M113 armored personnel carrier (APC), which was fitted with much of the same equipment. It was employed in a limited role by the United States Army. However, the Army never had the same faith or success with the M132 as the Marines did with the M67.
Soon after the U.S. withdrew its forces from Southeast Asia, the Zippo was essentially snuffed out. The M67 was officially retired from service in 1974 without a replacement. It was the last flamethrower tank to be employed by the U.S. military.
Of the 109 that were produced, it is an actual mystery as to how many actually survive. According to, one was on display at the now-closed U.S. Army Ordnance Museum at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. All of the vehicles have been relocated to Fort Benning, Georgia — but as of press time, the M67 Zippo isn’t believed to be on display. Another can now be found outside the Engineering School at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
These serve as the final reminders of the M67 Zippo.
On This Date In Music
1976 - Orleans release 'Still The One.'
1982 - Survivor's 'Eye Of The Tiger' was at No. 1 on the US chart. The song received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song and go on to sell over five million copies.
1995 - Jamaica issues a commemorative series of postage stamps honoring local native and reggae legend Bob Marley.
On This Date In History
On July 31, 1964, Ranger 7, an unmanned U.S. lunar probe, takes the first close-up images of the moon, 4,308 in total, before it impacts with the lunar surface northwest of the Sea of Clouds. The images were 1,000 times as clear as anything ever seen through earth-bound telescopes.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) had attempted a similar mission earlier in the year, Ranger 6, but the probe’s cameras had failed as it descended to the lunar surface. Ranger 7, launched from Earth on July 28, successfully activated its cameras 17 minutes, or 1,300 miles, before impact and began beaming the images back to NASA’s receiving station in California. The pictures showed that the lunar surface was not excessively dusty or otherwise treacherous to a potential spacecraft landing, thus lending encouragement to the NASA plan to send astronauts to the moon.
In July 1969, two Americans walked on the moon in the first Apollo Program lunar landing mission.
On July 31, 1715, a hurricane strikes the east coast of Florida, sinking 10 Spanish treasure ships and killing nearly 1,000 people. All of the gold and silver onboard at the time would not be recovered until 250 years later.
From 1701, Spain sent fleets of ships to the Western Hemisphere to bring back natural resources, including gold and silver. These groups of ships were heavily fortified against pirates, but there was little that could be done to protect them from bad weather.
On July 24, 10 Spanish ships and one French ship left Havana, Cuba, on their way to Europe, carrying tons of gold and silver coins, about 14 million pesos worth. The Spanish ships stayed very close to the Florida coast, as was the custom, while the French ship, the Grifon, ventured further out from the shore. A week later, as the ships were between Cape Canaveral and Fort Pierce, in modern-day Florida, the winds picked up dramatically.
The hurricane advanced quickly and, one by one, the ships were wrecked. The Nuestra Senora de la Regla sank, sending 200 people and 120 tons of coins to a watery grave. The Santa Cristo de San Ramon went down with 120 sailors aboard. In all, somewhere between 700 and 1,000 people lost their lives in the wrecks. Meanwhile, the Grifon was able to ride out the storm; most of its crew survived.
In the following months, Spanish officials in Havana sent ships to salvage the treasure. About 80 percent had been recovered by April 1716, but the rest remained lost until the 1960s.
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Californication News:
Transgender double-murderer Jessica Marie Hann who killed both her babies will receive taxpayer-funded BREAST IMPLANTS in California women's jail.’
A transgender murderer who killed both her babies and stuffed one of their bodies into a Tupperware container is to receive tax payer funded breast implants.
Jessica Marie Hann, born Jason Michael Hann, was sentenced to death in 2014 for murdering her 10 week old daughter Montana and her two month old son Jason in 2001 and 1999.
Hann was convicted over the killing of the two children after authorities discovered their decomposed bodies in storage units in Arkansas and Arizona.
Reduxx reported that Hann was originally held on death row at San Quentin following his trial but was transferred to Central California Women's Facility after she began to identify as a women.
After California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered a halt to the death penalty in the state, Hann was allowed to move into the general population and is now reportedly awaiting a tax-payer subsidized breast augmentation, according to the outlet.
Read the rest of the details of the transition info and the gruesome murder committed by Jason and his partner, Krissy Werntz at the link:
Transgender Rugby Player Injures Real Women
Remember when transvestite Fallon Fox gave a woman a concussion and broke her eye socket while competing as a member of the opposite sex in mixed martial arts? Pushback was insufficient, so now we read about Canadian rugby player Ash Davis:
Via Reduxx:
The identity of the man involved in the incident has now been confirmed as Ash Davis, who previously played in the men’s division of the club and had been awarded the “hardest hitter” designation during the Senior Awards Banquet just last year.
According to a source within the rugby club, there has been “much opposition” to Davis’ participation in the women’s category, but club members are concerned about speaking up out of “fear of being labeled transphobic.”
Mr Davis evidently still takes the field against women.
Good thing this isn’t the olden days. Davis would have to deal with the women’s husbands. They might not be as easy to injure.
At least in the UK there has been resistance:
Trans women are not women. Failure to defend this obvious fact in the face of LGBT bullying is getting women hurt.
Justice Alito To Whiny Congressional Democrats: Stay In Your Lane.
In case you’ve missed it, wackadoodle Congressional Democrats and all their little minion have been whining about the Supreme Court and Demanding a code of ethics and other stuff (though, they didn’t say anything about Sotomayor’s sweetheart deals and such)
From the article:
Justice Samuel Alito says Congress lacks the power to impose a code of ethics on the Supreme Court, making him the first member of the court to take a public stand against proposals in Congress to toughen ethics rules for justices in response to increased scrutiny of their activities beyond the bench.
“I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it. No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court—period,” Alito said in an interview he gave to the Wall Street Journal opinion pages. An account of the interview, which the paper said took place in New York in early July, was published Friday.
Democrats last week pushed Supreme Court ethics legislation through a Senate committee, though the bill’s prospects in the full Senate are dim.
Look, the courts have their own code of ethics, but, if Congress is allowed to regulate SCOTUS, then they are no longer an independent branch of the federal government. There are checks and balances, there are ways to deal with serious criminal violations, but, the Court does not answer to Congress, especially partisan boobs attempting to create an issue where one doesn’t exist because the Court is very much Conservative leaning.
Since a goodly chunk of the Congress critters slurring Alito are lawyers, you’d think they’d know this. They do, but they do not care, nor do many of the peons having snit fits. Like AOC, who says Alito is calling himself a king, but should probably focus on her own ethics violations.
Senate Democrats Kill Republican Amendment to Only Fly the American Flag Over Government Buildings.
Senate Republicans recently introduced a measure which would forbid the flying of any flag except the American flag over government buildings. Only ONE Democrat voted for it and it missed passage by just one vote.
The Democrats voted against this for obvious reasons. The LGBT lobby wields a massive amount of power in the Democrat party, and Senate Democrats know who their masters are.
Congratulations to Senator Joe Manchin for being the sole Dem vote.
American Greatness reports:
Senate Democrats Shoot Down GOP Amendment to Fly Only the American Flag Over Government Buildings
On Thursday, Senate Democrats voted against a Republican-introduced measure that would have forbidden the federal government from flying any flag other than the American flag over government buildings.
As Fox News reports, the measure in question was introduced by Senator Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) as an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would have instituted the ban for all public buildings, from federal office buildings and courthouses to post offices.
Although the measure did win a narrow majority, with 50 in favor and 49 against, it took 60 votes to approve the measure due to an agreement previously worked out by Senate leadership. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) was the sole Democrat to vote with the Republicans in favor of the amendment.
A similar measure was introduced in the House by Congressman Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), which was attached to the House’s version of the NDAA, and specifically targeted the gay pride flag, which was flown by the White House and promoted by the Defense Department during the month of June, which some consider to be “gay pride month.”
Republicans should keep trying to pass this and shame the Democrats every time it fails to pass.
The American flag is the only flag that belongs on U.S. government buildings.
Paul Joseph Watson
They’re not terrified enough.
Quick! They’re not frightened enough! Come up with something more terrifying!
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On This Date In Music
1966 - The Troggs started a two week run at No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'Wild Thing'. Because of a distribution dispute, The Troggs' single was available on two competing labels: Atco and Fontana. Because both pressings were taken from the identical master recording, Billboard combined the sales for both releases, making it the only single ever to simultaneously reach No. 1 for two companies.
The three-chord masterpiece, “Wild Thing” was written in 1965 by a New York songwriter named Chip Taylor (born James Voight, brother of the actor Jon Voight and uncle of actress Angelina Jolie). After an unsuccessful version of the song was recorded and released by a group called The Wild Ones, Taylor’s demo made its way to England, where Reg Presley (born Reginald Ball), lead singer of The Troggs, fell in love with it. Like Taylor himself, who never took his biggest hit very seriously, Presley initially found “Wild Thing” to be a ridiculous trifle, but that didn’t stop him from having his then-hitless band take it into the studio. In a single take of “Wild Thing,” The Troggs captured a raw and thrilling sound that not only gave them a No. 1 hit, but also served as a formative influence on some of the key figures in the development of punk rock, including Iggy Pop, the Ramones and the Buzzcocks, all of whom credited The Troggs as forerunners.
There were other hits for The Troggs, including “With A Girl Like You” (1966) and “Love Is All Around” (1967), but nothing to match “Wild Thing” in terms of success or influence.
On This Date In History
On July 30, 1945, the USS Indianapolis (CA-35) is torpedoed by a Japanese submarine and sinks within minutes in shark-infested waters. Only 316 of the 1,196 men on board survived. However, the Indianapolis had already completed its major mission: the delivery of key components of the atomic bomb that would be dropped a week later at Hiroshima to Tinian Island in the South Pacific.
The Indianapolis made its delivery to Tinian Island on July 26, 1945. The mission was top secret and the ship’s crew was unaware of its cargo. After leaving Tinian, the Indianapolis sailed to the U.S. military’s Pacific headquarters at Guam and was given orders to meet the battleship USS Idaho at Leyte Gulf in the Philippines to prepare for the invasion of Japan.
Shortly after midnight on July 30, halfway between Guam and Leyte Gulf, a Japanese sub blasted the Indianapolis, sparking an explosion that split the ship and caused it to sink in approximately 12 minutes, with about 300 men trapped inside. Another 900 went into the water, where many died from drowning, shark attacks, dehydration or injuries from the explosion. Help did not arrive until four days later, on August 2, when an anti-submarine plane on routine patrol happened upon the men and radioed for assistance.
On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, inflicting nearly 130,000 casualties and destroying more than 60 percent of the city. On August 9, a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, where casualties were estimated at over 66,000. Meanwhile, the U.S. government kept quiet about the Indianapolis tragedy until August 15 in order to guarantee that the news would be overshadowed by President Harry Truman’s announcement that Japan had surrendered.
In the aftermath of the events involving the Indianapolis, the ship’s commander, Captain Charles McVay, was court-martialed in November 1945 for failing to sail a zigzag course that would have helped the ship to evade enemy submarines in the area. McVay, the only Navy captain court-martialed for losing a ship during the war, committed suicide in 1968. Many of his surviving crewmen believed the military had made him a scapegoat. In 2000, 55 years after the Indianapolis went down, Congress cleared McVay’s name.
USS Indianapolis Wreckage Discovered Three Miles Deep In The Philippine Sea
Article with video and many pictures:
On July 30, 1956, two years after pushing to have the phrase “under God” inserted into the pledge of allegiance, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a law officially declaring “In God We Trust” to be the nation’s official motto. The law, P.L. 84-140, also mandated that the phrase be printed on all American paper currency. The phrase had been placed on U.S. coins since the Civil War when, according to the historical association of the United States Treasury, religious sentiment reached a peak. Eisenhower’s treasury secretary, George Humphrey, had suggested adding the phrase to paper currency as well.
Although some historical accounts claim Eisenhower was raised a Jehovah’s Witness, most presidential scholars now believe his family was Mennonite. Either way, Eisenhower abandoned his family’s religion before entering the Army, and took the unusual step of being baptized relatively late in his adult life as a Presbyterian. The baptism took place in 1953, barely a year into his first term as president.
At a Flag Day speech in 1954, he elaborated on his feelings about the place of religion in public life when he discussed why he had wanted to include “under God” in the pledge of allegiance: “In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource in peace and war.”
The first paper money with the phrase “In God We Trust” was not printed until 1957. Since then, religious and secular groups have argued over the appropriateness and constitutionality of a motto that mentions “God,” due to most people’s ignorance about the mention of separation of church and state which most liberals and secular people misunderstand.
On July 30, 2003, the last of 21,529,464 Volkswagen Beetles built since World War II rolls off the production line at Volkswagen’s plant in Puebla, Mexico. One of a 3,000-unit final edition, the baby-blue vehicle was sent to a museum in Wolfsburg, Germany, where Volkswagen is headquartered.
The car produced in Puebla that day was the last so-called “classic” VW Beetle, which is not to be confused with the redesigned new Beetle that Volkswagen introduced in 1998. (The new Beetle resembles the classic version but is based on the VW Golf.) The roots of the classic Beetle stretch back to the mid-1930s, when the famed Austrian automotive engineer Dr. Ferdinand Porsche met German leader Adolf Hitler’s request for a small, affordable passenger car to satisfy the transportation needs of the German people Hitler called the result the KdF (Kraft-durch-Freude)-Wagen(or “Strength-Through-Joy” car) after a Nazi-led movement ostensibly aimed at helping the working people of Germany; it would later be known by the name Porsche preferred: Volkswagen, or “people’s car.”
The first production-ready Kdf-Wagen debuted at the Berlin Motor Show in 1939; the international press soon dubbed it the “Beetle” for its distinctive rounded shape. During World War II, the factory in Kdf-stat (later renamed Wolfsburg) continued to make Beetles, though it was largely dedicated to production of war vehicles. Production was halted under threat of Allied bombing in August 1944 and did not resume until after the war, under British control. Though VW sales were initially slower in the United States compared with the rest of the world, by 1960 the Beetle was the top-selling import in America, thanks to an iconic ad campaign by the firm Doyle Dane Bernbach. In 1972, the Beetle surpassed the longstanding worldwide production record of 15 million vehicles, set by Ford Motor Company’s legendary Model T between 1908 and 1927.
In 1977, however, the Beetle, with its rear-mounted, air-cooled-engine, was banned in America for failing to meet safety and emission standards. Worldwide sales of the car shrank by the late 1970s and by 1988, the classic Beetle was sold only in Mexico. Due to increased competition from other manufacturers of inexpensive compact cars, and a Mexican decision to phase out two-door taxis, Volkswagen decided to discontinue production of the classic bug in 2003. The final count of 21,529,464, incidentally, did not include the original 600 cars built by the Nazis prior to World War II.
Yeah, I know this is fake BUT IT DOES realistically reflect the amount of faith that I think you should put in ANYONE of the Muslim 'fa...