Sunday, July 30, 2023

 Justice Alito To Whiny Congressional Democrats: Stay In Your Lane.

In case you’ve missed it, wackadoodle Congressional Democrats and all their little minion have been whining about the Supreme Court and Demanding a code of ethics and other stuff (though, they didn’t say anything about Sotomayor’s sweetheart deals and such)

From the article:
Justice Samuel Alito says Congress lacks the power to impose a code of ethics on the Supreme Court, making him the first member of the court to take a public stand against proposals in Congress to toughen ethics rules for justices in response to increased scrutiny of their activities beyond the bench.
“I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it. No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court—period,” Alito said in an interview he gave to the Wall Street Journal opinion pages. An account of the interview, which the paper said took place in New York in early July, was published Friday.
Democrats last week pushed Supreme Court ethics legislation through a Senate committee, though the bill’s prospects in the full Senate are dim.
Look, the courts have their own code of ethics, but, if Congress is allowed to regulate SCOTUS, then they are no longer an independent branch of the federal government. There are checks and balances, there are ways to deal with serious criminal violations, but, the Court does not answer to Congress, especially partisan boobs attempting to create an issue where one doesn’t exist because the Court is very much Conservative leaning.

Since a goodly chunk of the Congress critters slurring Alito are lawyers, you’d think they’d know this. They do, but they do not care, nor do many of the peons having snit fits. Like AOC, who says Alito is calling himself a king, but should probably focus on her own ethics violations.

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