Monday, July 31, 2023

If there is global warming, blame Pele, the volcano goddess, not humans.
(I seriously recommend this short article on the realities of ’The Great Global Climate Change Hoax.’)

It turns out that a little-reported natural event last year may account for our long, hot summer.
The media (and Ilhan Omar) are excited: We are experiencing global boiling, not global warming! It’s panic time. This is a hot summer, the hottest in 120,000 years if you ignore that other hot summer in (check notes) 1931 through 2022. So yes, actually, this is a hotter summer than last year, but the blame cannot be laid at our feet or even at the feet of Apollo, the sun god. Instead, it should be laid at the feet of Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess. Yes, you heard that correctly.


First, the hysteria is in play because it’s been hot this summer:
The earth just broke the record for the hottest day in 120,000 years. In fact, we broke in on three separate days.

Put aside the fact that we don’t measure global trends by a single day and that we only started collecting local temperature information in the late 19th century. The important point is that it’s time to panic.
Fortunately for Omar’s reputation as Somalia’s answer to Greta Thunberg, the leftist political class, beginning at the U.N. and working its way down to the media, is on board:
The U.N. chief issued a stark warning on climate change this week: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived,” António Guterres declared in a news briefing, as scientists confirmed that July is set to become Earth’s hottest month on record.
“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” he said at a briefing at U.N. headquarters in New York on Thursday, as he described “children swept away by monsoon rains, families running from the flames [and] workers collapsing in scorching heat.”
He added that data showed that “July has already seen the hottest three-week period ever recorded; the three hottest days on record; and the highest-ever ocean temperatures for this time of year.”
If only Aristotle were here to explain that one swallow does not make a summer, and a hot day does not make a boiling earth. To the contrary, we’re living through a global cooling trend.
Through July 27, the percentage of the US to have reached 95F (35C) this year is third lowest since 1895, down almost 50% from 1931. — Tony Heller (@TonyClimate)
As Anony Mee has explained, we’re beginning a grand solar minimum (, which means that the sun is withdrawing its life-giving heat from our planet. Plants don’t grow, so people starve, and the weather never warms, so people freeze to death ( We should be directing our energy to fight those plagues rather than plotting to block the sun with atomic blasts (
But if this is indeed a warmer summer than usual despite our cooling trend, there’s reason to believe that an underwater volcanic eruption last year is at fault.
Extinction Rebellion, the fanatic group that blocks traffic and despoils art, posted a tweet last week announcing that coral reefs are coming to an end:
“What we found was unimaginable, 100% coral mortality”
Like humans, every living thing has its temperature niche.
Earth is headed toward 2C of heating, when that happens 99% of corals will die. — Extinction Rebellion Global (@ExtinctionR) July 24, 2023
(As an aside, the group’s Twitter/X feed is fascinating because it represents people unable to understand that the earth is doing what it’s always done, only this time in front of the cameras and affecting more people…because there are more people in the world to affect.)
Jeff Childers, however, has a historic memory longer than a second, so he explains what happened last year, which is affecting both water and sky (
Ready to learn something? Let’s meet the historic, record-shattering Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption of 2022, which I bet you never heard of. Back in January 2022, you were probably distracted by covid mandates or maybe by Biden calling himself “Senator” again. The short version is an underwater Pacific Ocean volcano named Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, 490 feet under the waves, massively erupted, bigger than any other modern eruption, even bigger than Mount Pinatubo.


You never heard about it since it was underwater and nobody died. But the erupting lava instantly vaporized fantastic, unimaginable amounts of sea water, which billowed into the atmosphere, changing the water composition of Earth’s atmosphere and heating it up for years. In only a few days, the superheated water from the Hunga Tonga eruption blanketed the globe, pole to pole, East to West.
The eruption was so big it could be clearly seen from space.
Even NASA acknowledged ( that this extraordinary explosion would create massive amounts of greenhouse vapor. However, NASA also got it wrong because it underestimated the amount of vapor heading up. Writes Childers:
Over the next year it would turn out that NASA badly underestimated the amount of water Hunga Tonga vaporized into the atmosphere. Current estimates are three times higher than the original: scientists now think it was closer to 150,000 metric tons, or 40 trillion gallons, of super-heated water instantly injected into the atmosphere. Talk about a greenhouse. Water vapor — humidity — is a much more effective greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Childers has much more on the subject, and I urge you to read it all. And then revisit the story of the year without a summer ( when Mount Tambora, in modern-day Indonesia, blew so much particulate matter into the atmosphere in 1816 that crops died across the world, and people died with them.
We humans have the capacity to destroy our local environment and pollute our waters, which are terrible things to do and should be avoided. However, we are not greater than Apollo or Pele, and definitely not greater than the Biblical God—and we’d do well to remember that fact.

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