Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sometimes The Unadulterated Asininity Of The Libtards Just Astounds The Mind

Elon Musk made an arm gesture during a Trump event along with the comment 'My heart goes out to you.' The liberals associate ANYTHING patriots do with being a Nazi. I wish Trump would rip a thunderous fart in front of a bunch of reporters so that farting would be labelled 'Nazism'. Then all the libtards would be running around with butt plugs to keep from farting which would expose them as Nazi's and we would have the ultimate satisfaction of watching them randomly explode from gaseous build up. It would be YUGELY hilarious. YUGE !!



And then they caught Elon replicating an action that Hitler was known to do frequently and they were sure it sealed his fate. ...... ROFL

And then I saw this post from an obvious moron, Dame Katy Denise, wanting an explanation ... seriously, this was no satire or joke, from J.K. Rowling on why she would interview Hitler. Talk about extinction level low IQ.

J.K. Rowlings perfect response:



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