Sunday, December 22, 2024

Why Would Anybody Eject Mrs. Claus From An Event ...

When it’s obvious she’s just overcome with Christmas cheer?


  1. I am not overly enamored of football, but, I could watch that play for several hours.

    1. Yes sir, it's mesmerizing isn't it. I watched it 8 or 9 times until I realized Mrs. Schmidt was standing behind me watching me watching the video.

    2. I bet that put a crinkle in your fry...

    3. She has a saying for times like that. As soon as I start to voice my excuse for any implied violation of the husband code, she just cuts me off by looking at me and saying, "You're so stupid." shaking her head and walking off. No further need for discussion.


Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

I wonder if an open border for 4 years during the Pudding Brain administration with unvetted diseased criminals pouring over had anything t...