Sunday, December 22, 2024

Random GIF Dump


In April 2010 Kazem Seddiqi, a hard-line cleric in Iran advised Iranians:
"Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which [consequently] increases earthquakes," Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media.
Women all over America organized an experiment, dubbed Boobquake, to check the scientific validity of the cleric's theory. This must be part of that experiment.



 I hope somebody told this retard how pathetic his reaction time is in relation to the velocity of the shrapnel.



  1. That dog is extremely lucky it got away with embarrassment. My donkeys' grabbed a stray in my goat pen and curb stomped it dead and then would go over every once in awhile and stomped it even deader... even I didn't try to haul the carcass until they were satisfied it was a frisbee. The water tractor looks like a blast to ride!

    1. The girl in the tank top coming down the stairs was lucky the steps didn't go too long down, she would have beat her head unconscious...

    2. My neighbors done the road about a 1/2 mile have donkeys and in the 10 years they've lived there, their donkeys have exterminated around 8 or 9 coyotes and no telling how many they've permanently handicapped. And a couple of rogue mutts.

    3. The girl in the tank top better be glad those things are strapped together in tandem ... if they were to ever get off sync coming down stairs like that ... it wouldn't be pretty.


Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

I wonder if an open border for 4 years during the Pudding Brain administration with unvetted diseased criminals pouring over had anything t...