Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Israel Under Attack: Iran Launches Missiles, Gunmen Kill 8 Near Tel Aviv

Iran launched ballistic missiles at Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces said Tuesday, moments after at least two gunman killed at least eight people near Tel Aviv.
Iran’s anticipated ballistic missile attack against Israel is now underway, according to Fox News Chief Foreign Correspondent Trey Yingst, citing an Israeli source.
Yingst said initial reports indicate that around 100 missiles have been fired toward Israel. Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system could be seen intercepting the projectiles.

The attack appears to be unfolding in waves. The IDF released a statement saying "Iran's attack is continuing" and "the Aerial Defense Array is currently identifying and intercepting launches."
Iran previously launched a failed missile attack on Israel in April of this year.
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said this latest barrage of missiles is in retaliation for the killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut, Lebanon, in an Israeli airstrike late last week and the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran in July, according to Yingst.
The Israeli Defense Forces said in a statement earlier that "A short while ago, missiles were launched from Iran towards the State of Israel."
"In the last few minutes, the Home Front Command has distributed life-saving instructions in various areas across the country," the IDF said. "The public is asked to adhere to the Home Front Command's guidelines. Upon hearing a siren, you must enter a protected space and remain there until further notice."
Sirens could be heard going off across Israel during the attack.
"The IDF is doing and will continue to do everything necessary to protect the civilians of Israel. The IDF is fully prepared for both defense and offense at peak readiness," IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a statement.
"Continue to act responsibly and keep calm, as you have done so far, and make sure to follow the guidelines. We are strong and can handle this event as well," he added.
Eight people have been killed and others have been injured Tuesday in a shooting in the Israeli city of Jaffa, local officials tell Fox News' Trey Yingst.
Terrorists are reported to have opened fire on at least ten people, leaving them with various degrees of injuries, according to Israel’s TPS news agency.
An Israeli police spokesperson later said both attackers have been eliminated, according to Walla News.

Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

Tuesday Tunes - Sugarloaf - Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You

Sugarloaf - Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You


Handful Of Murder

 Giant Asian Hornets

Not as dangerous as it seems IF you know what you're doing. I have experienced this same event many times, in honeybees, when I worked with my uncle who was a beekeeper.
There is one in his hand momentarily that looks quite a bit larger than the rest and is most likely a queen. Queens will not normally sting anything other than another queen and all the others are probably drones (males) trying to breed the queen. Drones do not have stingers. This is a normal event during a swarm to start a new hive.

Almost There ... But Not Quite

You'd think she would be at least a little bit happier ... but some women are never satisfied.


Babylon Bee ... I Thought They Only Did Satire ???


These Are Not The Virgins You're Looking For

Nasrallah couldn't have seen these virgins because he went straight to wherever demons go to await judgement.

AND these virgins have absolutely NO intention of changing their status for some decaying Islamic filth.



Mood Indicator


Hamas Leader Killed In Israeli Air Strike Was United Nations Employee

Fateh Sherif was, supposedly, an educator — the principal of Deir Yassin Secondary School. He was also an employee of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA.) Sherif also moonlighted as a Hamas leader, responsible for coordinating Hamas actions with Hezbollah, including recruiting and logistics operations.
Now he's been shuffled off the mortal coil by the Israeli Air Force after an air strike eliminated him, and the UNRWA is finally admitting he was one of theirs.
A U.N. aid group confirmed Hamas’ leader in Lebanon, who was recently killed by Israeli strikes, was their employee.
Fateh Sherif was killed Monday in an airstrike on the al-Bass refugee camp in the southern Lebanese city of Tyre, along with his wife and children.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) noted that Sherif had been on suspension with the organization since March but had not been fired.
"Fateh Al Sharif was an UNRWA employee who was put on administrative leave without pay in March and was undergoing an investigation following allegations that UNRWA received about his political activities," an UNRWA spokesperson said in a statement to Fox News Digital.
At the time, his suspension sparked widespread protests and strikes by teachers in Lebanon.
What a fine example he set for little Lebanese schoolkids! It's important to note that Sherif had been living this not-so-subtle double life for some time now, and the UNRWA seemed to notice only after they came under scrutiny for some of their members providing support for, if not actually taking part in the Oct 7th attacks on Israel — and for stealing and reselling humanitarian aid meant for non-Hamas Gazans.
This goblin was ideally situated, we must note, to not only brainwash kids but to recruit them.
Sherif was the principal of the UNRWA-run Deir Yassin Secondary School in al-Bass and head of the UNRWA teachers’ union, which has around 2,000 teachers.
"Through that position, and as principal of a large UNRWA school, he was able to recruit operatives, and to brainwash generations of Palestinians to engage in terrorism," Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, told Fox News Digital.
Neuer and his organization had long pushed U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini to fire Sherif and said they provided both with a dossier proving his involvement in Hamas.
"Everyone at UNRWA knew. Yet they refused to act," Neuer said.
We can speculate as to why UNRWA refused to act, but all of this is part of the larger problem: the United Nations as a whole. The United Nations has, as an organization, not only been hostile in recent years to Israel but also to the United States. They are an organization that has long since outlived any usefulness they ever had.
The UN, I remind you, less than a year ago, chose Iran to chair a human rights meeting. Yes, you read that right — Iran, one of the most brutally repressive Islamic theocracies on the planet, was tapped to not only participate in but to chair a UN meeting on human rights. You can't make this stuff up.
Oh, and guess whose daughter raised funds for the terrorist-supporting UNRWA?
If you're surprised, you shouldn't be.
It's time Israel got out of the United Nations. It's time the United States did so as well. Let what's left of the UN establish a new headquarters in Tehran; they may feel more at home there.


Saving Bambi's Ass

I've seen this photo/story/meme out there for many years and it's a logical, cute story and there are few people that actually know the real story which, in my opinion, is better than the meme, but it isn't shared like the meme is:

The picture actually dates from 1958, during the Algerian War (i.e., a war for independence waged against French forces in Colonial Algeria). And it depicts a starving donkey that was rescued by a member of the French Foreign Legion who carried it back to his base, where the animal was nursed back to health, given the name “Bambi,” and adopted as a unit mascot, as described by author Douglas Porch in his 1991 history of the Legion:
Nineteen fifty-eight proved a very successful year for the Legion in another respect, it was awarded a Certificate of Merit for Distinguished Service by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and a similar recognition from the RSPCA in London, after a legionnaire of the 13e DBLE [13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion] rescued a starving donkey and returned it to his base where, renamed Bambi, it served the unit as a mascot. Interest was pricked among the “Anglo-Saxons” after London’s Daily Mail carried a photo of the donkey being carried on the back of a legionnaire. Attempts to award the Certificate of Merit to the generous legionnaire foundered upon [his maintaining anonymity]. However, the Chief Secretary of the RSPCA was informed by the Legion that numerous mascots follow each unit in its movements. In certain [units], the number of animals is greater than the strength in manpower.” Especially gratifying was the knowledge that Bambi “at the present time is enjoying an enviable destiny and that he is sharing the life of our legionnaires and even … their beer.”

Trump Campaign Predicts A Different Tim Walz On Debate Stage: ‘Going To Be Buttoned Up.’

"He's not going to be the wildly gesticulating, effeminate caricature we see at rallies"
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will have to defend Vice President Kamala Harris’ “lengthy” record when he takes the debate stage Tuesday night, and former President Donald Trump’s campaign expects Sen. JD Vance to come out swinging.
But campaign officials were clear-eyed during a Monday call with reporters: Walz is very good in debates, Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller emphasized, describing Walz as a “wily political veteran” who has run countless campaigns and spent two decades in politics.
“I wanna repeat that: Tim Walz is very good in debates,” Miller said. “Really good. He’s been a politician for nearly 20 years, he’ll be very well prepared for tomorrow night. He’s not going to be the wildly gesticulating, effeminate caricature we see at rallies pointing to Kamala Harris and dancing about on the stage. Walz is going to be buttoned up. He’ll be ready to defend his own radical Left record in Minnesota, and in Washington before that, let’s not forget his time in Congress.”
Walz won’t hesitate to “lie on command,” Miller predicted.
“That’s not to say that JD Vance won’t be prepared tomorrow, or that somehow he isn’t up to the challenge,” Miller said. “JD Vance is great, that’s why President Trump picked him. JD has the life experience and the vision to make life better for Americans … and JD is ready to step up and lead.”
The press call followed a Monday morning CNN piece describing Walz as “just as nervous about facing JD Vance as he was the Sunday afternoon in August when he warned Kamala Harris in his running mate interview that he was a bad debater.” The CNN piece quotes sources close to Walz who allegedly described the vice presidential candidate as fearful of letting Harris down and helping Trump to win.
And while those close to Walz are telling CNN that he is nervous, Walz’s team is attempting to set expectations high for Vance, as the New York Times reported, highlighting Vance’s time at Yale.
Tuesday’s forum is the last candidate debate scheduled before Americans head to the polls in November.
Vance has been preparing by facing off with Majority Whip Tom Emmer, who also spoke on the Monday call.
“Honestly, the hardest part was learning how to tell lies with a straight face,” the congressman joked.
“JD Vance is prepared to wipe the floor with Tim Walz and expose him for the radical liberal he is,” he added.


Walz … Pre-Debate Workout

 The v.p. debate is today ... Tuesday.



More Than 200 Retired Admirals And Generals Endorse Trump

With the United States facing arguably the “most important election since our Nation was founded,” more than 200 retired generals and admirals are endorsing former President Donald Trump for president.

In a letter published Monday morning, Flag Officers 4 America* issues a stinging indictment of the failed policies of President Joe Biden and his cackling vice president, Kamala Harris, the Democrats replacement standard bearer following the party’s silent coup in July. The endorsement is also a counter shot at the recent letter from Trump-hating former national security officials endorsing Harris.
Signed by highly respected former high-ranking members of the military who understand as well as anyone the critical necessity of strong leadership, the Flag Officers 4 America letter is sure to draw the fire of the Democratic Party and the accomplice media, as an epistle from the group excoriating the leftists in power did three years ago.
“The undersigned retired Generals and Admirals are endorsing Donald J. Trump for president in 2024 because he is a proven leader who will secure our border, repulse our adversaries, revitalize our economy and keep America safe and strong,” the document opens.
The retired admirals and generals argue America is at a stark crossroads, with the nearly 250-year-old republic facing an existential choice between standing with the constitution and “ its underlying traditional values which have made America great” or continuing down the path to “the deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural marxism.”
“Today our Nation has never been more divided as the cultural war, supported by the Democratic party, divides our citizens into conflicting groups,” states the letter, signed by highly decorated commanders such as Maj. General Patrick H. Brady, Maj. General James E. Livingston, and Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen. “Recent evidence is the widespread riots on university campuses with students and faculty supporting terrorist organizations, Hamas and Hezbollah, blatantly flying their flags on American soil and burning our U.S. national flag.”
The Trump endorsement notes the bipartisan congressional Commission on the National Defense Strategy report, which states that the U.S. is confronting “the most serious and the most challenging threats since the end of World War II.”
“The United States could in short order be drawn into a war across multiple theaters with peer and near-peer adversaries, and it could lose,” the commission warned. Meanwhile, the Heritage Foundation’s “Index of U.S. Military Strength” rated the overall U.S. military position as “weak.”
In short, as America’s military strength diminishes, its adversaries are growing stronger — a recipe for disaster. None of which is surprising, the retired admirals and generals assert, under a Biden-Harris administration that has imposed “divisive social engineering programs embodied in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the expense of warfighting readiness…”
“China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and global terrorists are rapidly expanding their capabilities and aggressiveness. This did not happen during Donald Trump’s presidency,” the letter argues.
Flag Officers 4 America cite myriad examples of America’s deterioration in recent years, failures that rank among top voter concerns. A wide open border has allowed millions of “unvetted illegals from 160 countries,” including 100,000 Chinese, most of military age, “plus thousands of criminals and terrorists” to pour into the country and “place America at great risk.”
“Future terrorist attacks of some size and U.S. soil are a near certainty,” the letter states.
Soaring inflation has compromised funding for the military, the retired military members assert, with the annual interest rate on the $35 trillion U.S. debt now exceeding the U.S. defense budget.
“For the government itself, this means interest on the debt slicing more and more into the funds available for national spending priorities,” the Council on Foreign Relations wrote in May.
Harris and her running mate, far-left Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz —  who has been widely criticized for lying about his military rank and abandoning his unit just before it was deployed to Iraq — like to boast about the 700-plus Trump-hating current and former national security officials who recently penned a letter endorsing the Democrat candidates. The letter was published in leftist mouthpiece, the New York Times.
It was celebrated by the accomplice media as a true act of patriotism by a group of swamp creatures who bill Trump as a “danger to our national security and our democracy.” The former president, of course, has proved to be a threat to the Deep State, populated by many who signed the letter. Signatories include former Central Intelligence Agency director and partisan propagandist John Brennan, one of the infamous 50-plus intelligence officials who falsely claimed the New York’s post’s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story published not long before the 2020 election was a “Russian information campaign.” Big Tech and Corporate media, led by the New York Times and the Washington Post worked with these Deep State creeps to shut down the story and silence related information in one of the most sinister election interference campaigns in U.S. history.  
The same corporate media players eviscerated Flag Officers 4 America’s public letter in 2021 criticizing how the 2020 presidential election was rigged, particularly in critical swing states. As we have learned since, they were right to be concerned. In the letter, the retired admirals and generals warned about the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies, its censoring of speech, its reengagement with Iran in the “flawed Iran Nuclear Deal”, and Biden’s immediate order killing the Keystone Pipeline. Each of those policies has led to disasters domestically and abroad.
Flag Officers 4 America also warned about the “mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief.”
“He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night,” the former military leaders wrote at the time. How right they were to be worried, as the world clearly witnessed during Biden’s cognitive meltdown while debating Trump in late June.
Ultimately, the retired admirals and generals ask Americans the simple but critical question Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan asked in late October 1980: Are you better off than you were four years ago?  
“We must ask: ‘Is our national security stronger or weaker today than four years ago?’ The answer is clear,” the letter argues. “We urge our fellow Americans to join us in supporting the election of Donald J. Trump for president. Our future is at stake.”



AP Hits New Low With ‘Charismatic And Shrewd’ Description Of Dead Hezbollah Terrorist

The outlet was shamed into editing its headline within hours.
The Associated Press previewed the likely death of Hezbollah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah with a lengthy biographical article that rivaled The Washington Post — which famously referred to Al Qaeda terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an “austere religious scholar — in its effort to frame the Islamic extremist in a positive light.
The original headline was posted on Friday, and it read, “Charismatic and shrewd: A look at longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.” But Saturday morning, the headline had already been edited to read simply, “Who is longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah?”

The quick edit appears to have been a response to the critics who flooded X with comments about how positive a tone the AP had adopted when talking about the leader of a terrorist organization.
AG Hamilton showed a side-by-side of the Nasrallah headline with one about the late U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK): “Former U.S. Sen. Inhofe, defense hawk who called human-caused climate change a ‘hoax,’ dies at 89.”
“AP on the death of a Republican Senator vs The possible death of a terror leader responsible for tens of thousands of deaths,” Hamilton captioned the screenshots.

“@AP, I’m sorry for your loss,” Hillel Neuer posted. “‘Charismatic and shrewd…. an astute strategist… considered a pragmatist… idolized by his Lebanese Shiite followers… respected by millions across the Arab and Islamic world…’ Maybe next time, speak to his victims.”

“Not a parody from the AP. Nasrallah was a ruthless, murderous terrorist,” Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) added.

“Nasrallah is not a ‘charismatic leader.’ He is a bloodthirsty, anti-Semitic terrorist. Hope this helps, @AP,” Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) said.

In addition to the headline, the AP delivered a full 12 paragraphs before the word “terrorist” was even mentioned. Instead, the outlet referred to Nasrallah as an “astute strategist,” an “archenemy of Israel,” and “a fiery orator viewed as an extremist.”


Israel Under Attack: Iran Launches Missiles, Gunmen Kill 8 Near Tel Aviv

Iran launched ballistic missiles at Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces said Tuesday, moments after at least two gunman killed at least eight...