Monday, June 24, 2024

"Decency." You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


You knew it was a lie in 2017 and if you think admitting it now redeems you, you are sadly mistaken. This just makes us hate you more.


 A Republic, Not A Democracy by Dan Smoot 1966 Apr 18

ELO - ”Don't Bring Me Down" extended remix

 Infamous (black) Georgia Judge Arrested in Nightclub Fight With Cop.

A controversial Georgia judge was arrested early Thursday morning after allegedly hitting a police officer on the head and refusing to identify herself outside a nightclub in Atlanta.
Police detained Douglas County Probate Judge Christina J. Peterson, a Democrat, at a club in Buckhead and charged her with felony obstruction of law enforcement officers by using threats or violence, as well as simple battery of a police officer.
It was not immediately clear what led to the arrest, but officials told local media that there had been an early morning incident at the Red Martini Restaurant and Lounge on Peachtree Road.
The Atlanta Police Department confirmed the arrest to Newsweek Thursday morning, but said it could not release further details.
Judge Peterson has something of a notorious reputation in Georgia. In April, she was found guilty of "systemic incompetence," with the Judicial Qualifications Commission voting unanimously that she be ousted from office, following 30 counts of misconduct.
The three-person panel had found she ignored courthouse rules, abused personnel and made inappropriate posts on social media.
At one point, Peterson jailed a woman who was trying to amend her marriage certificate to include the real name of her recently discovered father. The woman ended up serving two of the 20 days of her sentence before her husband was able to pay her fine.
"Such a hasty and shockingly disproportionate reaction is the hallmark of [Peterson's] intemperance," the panel wrote about the incident.
The judge also received complaints after allowing a wedding after hours without sheriff's office deputies present, and for pressing a panic button unnecessarily.
During the panel's hearings, Peterson complained that she had not received enough recognition since taking on her role in 2020.
"I'm the first African American female judge who was a Democrat," she testified. "I was never celebrated or congratulated."
The panel disagreed with those arguments, and recommended she be removed from office.
"(Judges) are expected to act in a manner that promotes the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary," the commission's report read. "Respondent has shown that she cannot — or will not — do so. And so she must go."
While the Douglas County panel made its recommendation for her removal, the Georgia Supreme Court is yet to decide her fate.

 WTF …

Schumer making his patented creepy face, Mayorkas surprised that Biden is able to continue standing while his brain is in neutral, and Biden has NO CLUE where he is ... and all the while his brain is making that annoying buzzing sound.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

52 US WW2 Submarines were still on the "Eternal Patrol" Until Recently. The number is now 51. The USS Harder (SS-257) has now been found.


"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the U.S.S. Harder during her 5th war patrol in Japanese-controlled waters. Floodlighted by a bright moon and disclosed to an enemy destroyer escort which bore down with intent to attack. Comdr. Dealey quickly dived to periscope depth and waited for the pursuer to close range, then opened fire, sending the target and all aboard down in flames with his third torpedo. Plunging deep to avoid fierce depth charges, he again surfaced and, within nine minutes after sighting another destroyer, had sent the enemy down tail first with a hit directly amidship. Evading detection, he penetrated the confined waters off Tawi Tawi with the Japanese Fleet base six miles away and scored death blows on two patrolling destroyers in quick succession. With his ship heeled over by concussion from the first exploding target and the second vessel nose-diving in a blinding detonation, he cleared the area at high speed. Sighted by a large hostile fleet force on the following day, he swung his bow toward the lead destroyer for another "down-the-throat" shot, fired three bow tubes, and promptly crash-dived to be terrifically rocked seconds later by the exploding ship as the Harder passed beneath. This remarkable record of five vital Japanese destroyers sunk in five short-range torpedo attacks attests the valiant fighting spirit of Comdr. Dealey and his indomitable command." from Cmdr. Dealey's Congressional Medal of Honor  presentation.
It is a very good story of a very brave commander and crew. The boat was a Gato Class submarine named USS "Hit 'em Harder" Harder.

The wreck of one of the most storied U.S. Navy submarines of World War Two has been found. The USS Harder was sunk in a battle on August 24th, 1944, as the U.S. sought to retake the Philippines from occupying Japanese forces.

My wife finally followed her doctors advice and cut her wine intake to 1 glass a day.


 From The River To The Sea

The solution.


 Anatomy of a Full Leftwing Meltdown

Victor Davis Hanson


Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Louisiana has become the 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public schools.

Attorney General Liz Murill (R) backs up the law.

ACLU statement - “The law violates the First Amendment’s promise to separation of church and state, and … will result in unconstitutional religious coercion of students, … “ blah, blah, blah.

Boris Sanchez, a constitutionally illiterate talking head on CNN asked Lauren Ventrella, a co-author of House Bill 71, what would she say if her children were forced to go to a school where the 5 pillars of islam were required to be posted.
She answered the question by responding that the issue wasn’t about islam, it was about the Ten Commandments.
Sanchez also showed his historical ignorance by claiming that the Founding Fathers established America as a secular country. That has been proven to be a felony grade lie. And then he further expressed his ignorance by spewing the bullshit about separation of church and state.

The First Amendment DOES NOT mention anything about separation of church and state. The First Amendment specifies "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
The words "separation", "church" or "state" are not found in the First Amendment. In fact, the statement separation of church and state, is in no founding document associated with the United States of America.
The process of drafting the First Amendment made the intent of the Founders clear. Before they approved the final wording, this amendment went through nearly a dozen different iterations and was involved in extensive discussion. These discussions are recorded in the congressional records, and they make clear the intent of the First Amendment.
The famous statesman Patrick Henry said, "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded . . . . . on the gospel of Jesus Christ."

John Quincy Adams, our nations 6th president, said in a July 4th speech in 1837, " . . . . the Declaration of Independence . . . . laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity."

The U. S. Supreme Court in 1892 stated, “Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise. In this sense and to this extent, our civilizations and our institutions are emphatically Christian."

With this in mind, what is all this talk of separation between church and state.
Our Founders were saying: we don't want in America what we had in Great Britain, one church, the Anglican Church, the Church of England. We will not all be Anglicans, nor Catholics, nor Congregationalists nor Baptists. "By our form of government", says a 1799 court ruling, "the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed on the same equal footing."
In other words, we will be a Christian nation, adhering to God's principles, but we don't want one particular Christian denomination running things.
What I am trying to establish here today is that our nation was founded on religious principles. Christian, because our Founders were Christians. In fact, 52 of the 55 Founding Fathers who worked on the Constitution were members of mainstream Christian churches. And, what I am saying is that these Founding Fathers never considered a separation of church and state as we know it today. As a matter of fact in the same speech of John Adams mentioned earlier he stressed that the biggest victory won in the American Revolution was that Christian principles and civil government would be tied together in what he called an 'indissoluble' bond. Bonding, fusing, a tying together of religion and government - not separation.

In 1801 the Danbury Baptist Association wrote to then President, Thomas Jefferson, that they had heard a rumor that the Congregationalists were going to be made the national denomination. Jefferson wrote back to the Danbury Baptists, assuring them that the First Amendment had erected "a wall of separation between church and state." His letter explained to the Baptists that they need not fear the establishment of a national denomination, and that the wall of the First Amendment would protect the church from government control. This was a letter very much in synch with the founding fathers and the First Amendment. Yet we'll soon see how this letter was misused to establish our modern concept of separation between church and state.
Jefferson's letter was not used often, but on occasion, it was used to support the idea that it was permissible to maintain Christian values, principles and practices in official policy. But, in 1947 in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, the Court, for the first time, did not cite Jefferson's entire letter, but selected only eight words from it. The Court now announced: "The First Amendment has erected (and here are the eight words) 'a wall of separation between church and state.' That wall must be kept high and impregnable." This was a new philosophy for the Court. It had taken the eight words from Thomas Jefferson's letter completely out of context.
After this case, the Court began to speak frequently of a separation of church and state, broadly explaining that this is what the Founders wanted - this is their great intent. The court failed to quote the Founders; it just asserted that this is what they wanted.
The courts continued on this track so steadily that in 1958 in a case called Baer v. Kolmorgen one of the judges was tired of hearing the phrase and wrote a dissent, warning, that if the court did not stop talking about the separation of church and state, people were going to start thinking it was part of the Constitution.
Dr. William James, the father of Modern Psychology, said "There is nothing so absurd but if you repeat it often enough people will believe it." Oh, well.
In 1962 in the case of Engel v.Vitale, the Court delivered its first ever ruling which completely separated Christian principles from education; the case struck down school prayer. And, in this case, the Court redefined the word "church". For 170 years prior, the word, "church" - as used in the phrase, "separation of church and state" was defined to simply mean, "a federally established denomination." However, the Court now explained that the word, "church", would mean "a religious activity in public".
This was the major turning point in the interpretation of the First Amendment. Understand that the Court had just announced a brand new doctrine. With no historical or legal precedent - it now could prohibit religious activities in public settings.
And, listen to the prayer in dispute - the prayer that caused this decision to be made: "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country."
This prayer which could be said by any believer in God regardless of which religion - this prayer which acknowledges God only once, the same number of times as in the Pledge of Allegiance and only one fourth of the times as in the Declaration of Independence, was rendered unconstitutional. When the Court declares something unconstitutional it is inferring that our Founding Fathers - the men who drafted the Constitution - would have opposed it. In this case this is absolutely not true. To repeat - this was a brand new doctrine with no legal or historical precedent.
We have been robbed of our Godly heritage.
Many similar decisions have been made by our courts since this landmark case - some absolutely ludicrous.
George Washington in his farewell address warned that morality cannot be maintained without religion. "Let it simply be asked," he went on to say, "Where is the security for life, for reputation and for property if the sense of religious obligation desert."
Is our country involved in a moral decline? There is no doubt about it.
Are we being robbed of our Godly heritage? I believe we are.
And, I would close today imploring us to do whatever we can to bring God and Christian values back into our hearts, back into our families, back into our schools and back to the heart of our country.

Øbama's Scottish Caddy. Oooold, but still funny. 

Practice your Scottish accent.



 NSFW - NSFC - Suggested Sexual Content

Remedial Sex Ed

LOL - Watch the short clip:


 REPORT: U.S. Halts Avocado / Mango Imports After Abduction of USDA Inspectors in Mexico.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture halted the importation of avocados and mangoes from Mexico following the abduction of two of its workers in a state known for cartel violence.
Earlier this week, the USDA confirmed information published by Mexican news outlets about the temporary halting of produce inspections until further notice. While the USDA has not revealed the reason behind the move, several national news outlets in Mexico reported that two USDA inspectors had been abducted in the state of Michoacan.
According to El Sol De Mexico, the incident took place last Friday when a group of gunmen claiming to be a community police force in the town of Paracho, Michoacan, stopped the inspectors, took their vehicle, phones, and computers, and detained them for a day. Despite the efforts by Mexican officials to downplay the issue, community police forces in Michoacan have a history of being a front for the various drug cartels that operate with almost complete impunity in the state.
As Breitbart Texas reported, community police forces such as the ones run by the accused drug boss Juan Jose “El Abuelo” Farias have been a front for Cartel Jalisco New Generation, or for their rivals, the Familia Michoacan, or Los Viagras.
El Sol de Mexico quoted Michoacan Agriculture Secretary Cuauthemoc Ramirez Romero, who claimed Mexico’s government has spoken with U.S. officials and resolved the issue. The secretary says importations could likely resume in the coming days.
As Breitbart Texas reported, in 2022, the USDA issued a similar suspension after one of their inspectors began receiving death threats. The importation halt came right before the Superbowl — a time when avocado farmers in Mexico expected to see an increase in demand.

Leave the sound off, the moronic laughing at the end interferes with the enjoyment of the video ... or maybe it's just me ...

Biden has ALWAYS BEEN A LYING PIECE OF SHIT and has maintained that legacy to this very day. The only difference between then and now is, he is in a position to tell much more serious lies with serious repercussions and the media NO LONGER CALLS HIM OUT FOR HIS BLATANT LYING.

He claims that his memory failed him … if his memory was f**ked back then in the ’80’s, how much worse is it now?

Like the man said, Biden was victimized by the truth. I hope that one of these days soon, TRUTH creeps up behind Biden and mugs his ass.

 Riley Gaines-Backed Sportswear Company Banned From TikTok Over Ad Defending Women’s Sports.

XX-XY Athletics, a sportswear company founded by former Levi Strauss & Co President Jennifer Sey — and backed by former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines — has reportedly received a permanent ban from TikTok over a video advertisement promoting and defending women’s sports.
Sey shared the news — and the ad — via X on Tuesday, saying, “When you run an ad standing up for women and girls’ sports, you get banned for life from @tiktok_us. Here’s the ad. Offensive, right?”
“If you think girls’ and women’s equality matter, stand up,” the ad begins. “If you think girls’ and women’s sports matter, and you want your daughters to have the same opportunity you had, stand up. If you know that it isn’t fair — or safe — to allow males to compete in girls sports because it’s, well, obvious, stand up.”
“Don’t be cowed by people who call you a bigot. You’re not a bigot,” it continues. “Don’t let men tell us how to be ‘good’ girls. Don’t let others tell you you just need to be quiet, sit down, be nice. It’s not nice to further a lie. It’s not mean to believe in women’s equality. We deserve our own sports, privacy, fairness, safety. We deserve a chance to compete, and win. So don’t be nice. Don’t be careful. Be honest, be brave, fight for women. We’ve come too far to give up now. And if you agree with that, stand up and stand with us.”

Sey also shared a copy of the letter she received from TikTok stating that while the sportswear company’s account would still be accessible, none of their ads would go live on the platform.
“Our review indicates that your advertising content may violate TikTok’s advertising policies by featuring offensive content,” the letter read, adding that the decision could be appealed if a request was submitted within 180 days.
“Speak up. Stand up. Vote with your dollars. Don’t buy brands that don’t know what a woman is. Truth is counting on you,” Sey added in a follow-up post.
“We’ve normalized discrimination against women and girls. What used to be called misogyny is now labeled as ‘progress,’ ‘inclusion,’ and ‘tolerance.’ Why do young girls have to suffer for the delusions of entitled men?” Paula Scanlan added.

Friday, June 21, 2024

 LIB - Lesbians In Black

This is the truth they don’t want you to see.

 Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump




A Florida Public School Employee Allowed Her Son to Play Girls’ Sports. Here’s What Happened Next.

A public school employee in Florida is facing firing because she allowed her “transgender daughter” to play on the girls’ volleyball team at their high school. This week, she issued remarks where she doubled down on her decision.
The mother, Jessica Norton, reportedly gave the remarks to the Broward School Board on Tuesday. Norton worked at Monarch High School in Fort Lauderdale, where her son who thinks he’s a girl attends school.
According to several reports, an anonymous tipster notified a school board member last year that the 16-year-old was playing on the girls’ varsity volleyball team, a violation of state law. The tip led to an investigation that led to Norton being suspended from her position as an information management specialist at the high school. In addition, she was a volunteer coach. She is now facing possible termination.
"District leadership tried to ruin my life, but instead you destroyed a 16-year-old's life,” Norton reportedly said on Tuesday. “They destroyed her high school career and her lifelong memories.”
Norton’s son was elected to leadership positions at school, several outlets noted.
“I saw the light in my daughter's eyes gleam with future plans of organizing and attending prom, participating in and leading senior class traditions, speaking at graduation and going off to college with the confidence and joy that any student like her would after a successful and encouraging high school experience. And 203 days ago, I watched as that life was extinguished,” she said.
NBC Miami claimed that Norton’s “daughter” legally changed “her” name and gender. In addition, Norton claimed that no one on the volleyball team cared that he was transgender.
Now, the family is challenging the state law that created the investigation.
“This is not an issue that sprang forth from actual community concern,” Jason Starr, the family’s attorney, told NBC Miami. “This is a minority of loud individuals who are creating a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist that creates more problems.”
Last year, Townhall reported how Monarch High School was fined over $10,000 for allowing the biological male to play on the girls’ volleyball team. The fine was carried out by the Florida High School Athletic Association over the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,” which requires athletes to play sports on teams that correspond to their biological sex rather than their “gender identity.”
“Thanks to [Gov. Ron DeSantis], Florida passed legislation to protect girls’ sports and we will not tolerate any school that violates this law,” Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. wrote in a statement posted to X. “We applaud the swift action taken by the FHSAA to ensure there are serious consequences for this illegal behavior.”

Before this, the principal and two other staff members at the Florida school were reassigned to “non-school sites” amid the investigation into the “trans” student who was playing on the girls’ sports team.
"Although we cannot comment further, we will continue to follow state law and will take appropriate action based on the outcome of the investigation," a statement from the school district said at the time. "We are committed to providing all our students with a safe and inclusive learning environment."

 More “Fear-Mongering”

CLOSE THE DAMN BORDER and start giving these evil filthy bastards the DEATH PENALTY.


12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray

The Butt Fugly sisters, Pramila Jayapal and Joy Reid try to equate the rape of a 13 year-old girl by a filthy piece of shit illegal invader with “fear-mongering.”


BRAVO to this woman’s courage speaking to the school board of Chino Valley.

School Board member at Chino Valley, AZ speaks out against Title IX violations and the blatant disrespect to women and girls. I wish I could find her entire talk but the social media powers that be make it hard to find conservative points of view. (I believe the speaker is the new Chino Valley President Sonja Shaw, but I haven’t verified that.)

"Decency." You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.