Saturday, April 27, 2024

 Report: The Biden administration is behind an ICC plan to arrest senior Israeli officials.

As Jews wake up to the reality that the Democrat party has broken its decades’ long implied promise to protect the Jews from another Holocaust, Joe Biden may be doubling down on an effort to placate the Hamas wing of the Democrat party. According to an Israeli reporter who has highly placed contacts at the Hague, the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) is planning to arrest senior Israeli officials, something it would do only if it had the Biden administration’s permission.
Caroline Glick, who is very connected to information about the Israeli government, broke the news to English-language speakers:

As you can see, in the second tweet, Caroline Glick has translated the report. Here’s a summary of the core point:

Biden stabbing Netanyahu in the back.

Karim Asad Ahmad Kahn, who comes from England’s Pakistani community, is the chief prosecutor at the ICC, a position he obtained thanks to backing from the Biden administration. It is he who will allegedly issue arrest warrants against senior Israeli officials, including Netanyahu himself. The charges are presumably based upon alleged war crimes...that is, killing civilians. That Hamas placed itself among civilians, thereby turning them into military targets, apparently isn’t a war crime.
Everyone knows, of course, that the ICC, like every other European institution, is hostile to Israel. (As the old saying goes, the Europeans have never forgiven Israel for Auschwitz.) What makes the alleged upcoming arrest warrants so significant is that the ICC will be targeting Israel’s highest politicians while they are in the midst of waging a war against an enemy that is open about its intention to eliminate Israeli Jews from the face of the earth.
Even for the ICC, this is a bold move. That the ICC has the courage to make this move is allegedly because of Joe Biden:
“Regarding the intention to issue arrest warrants for senior Israelis, the sources at The Hague said that it is impossible that the chief prosecutor would have decided on such a dramatic step - in a war that is still ongoing - with very little evidence, if he had not at least gotten a “green light” from the Americans. If true, this is yet another unprecedented low in relations between Israel and the United States at a very sensitive time on the eve of the ground operation into Rafah.”
The U.S. government has blown hot and cold to Israel over the years. However, since 1973, when Richard Nixon came to Israel’s rescue during the Yom Kippur War, the American government has been mostly consistent in its support for Israel. Starting with Barack Obama, though, that support began to fade rapidly on the left. I wrote about that here* so I won’t repeat myself.


Suffice it to say that the Democrats have made common cause with Islam. Each is using the other to obtain political power. When this unholy alliance finally achieves total political power, one will destroy the other. My bet is on Islam, which still recognizes biological reality, rather than on the fragile flowers in academia, the screaming drag queens and other LGBTQ+ activists, the angry black TikTokers, and the hysterical women who make up so much of the Democrat party’s current political strength in America.
Martin Fletcher has written that the situation for world Jewry is actually worse today than it was in the 1930s. That’s because in the 1930s, only Germany was on the move against the Jews (although, of course, by the 1940s, it managed to erase almost the entirety of Europe’s ancient Jewish population). It’s different, he says, in 2024:
“Today, Jews are afraid in Australia, South Africa, all over Europe, as the useful idiots march, curse and verbally and sometimes physically abuse innocent Jews, in the name of protecting Palestinians. It’s always in the name of something. As someone wrote, antisemitism is a light sleeper.”
Fletcher understates the matter because it’s even worse than that. If the Biden administration is conspiring against the Israeli government, there is no safe place in the world for Jews at all. Every nation has become Nazi Germany, including America.

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