Sunday, April 28, 2024

 Exclusive: Rep. Keith Self Warns U.S. Constitutional Republic Can’t Survive ‘Fourth Obama Term.’

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on the sidelines of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Hungary 2024 on Friday, Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) lamented the “decline in the influence of the United States around the world” under Biden.
“It started with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Soon after that, people started testing us and Putin started moving troops into Ukraine within two months of the withdrawal,” he said. “And, frankly, that’s lightning speed when you talk about a nation making a decision to start moving troops toward combat.”
He then asserted that Biden’s term mirrors Obama’s while warning of the risks such policies pose to the country. 
He also described the current status of the long-held alliance between America and the Jewish State as being at a “pretty low point,” attributing it to Biden “doing everything he can to make Israel unsuccessful in their mission to destroy the Hamas infrastructure.” 
“We’ve got to remember that Israel’s mission in Gaza is to destroy the infrastructure of Hamas,” he told Breitbart News.
Pointing to Hamas’s remaining battalions in southern Gaza, Self, who serves as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, insisted that Israel intends to “clean it out and finish the job.” 
However, he noted, Biden is “throwing every obstacle he can in the way of that.” 
“At the end of the day, I think Israel will probably do what they can to meet their objectives in spite of the Biden administration,” he stated.
Self then addressed the ongoing anti-Israel protests on college campuses throughout the U.S., describing them as the result of socialist propaganda.

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