Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kidney Stone Relief

Well, when my wife got home from work today, I got up to go fix her a glass of tea and when I got in the kitchen the pain overrode the pain medication and I almost passed out. When my knees hit the floor my wife came running into the kitchen trying to help me get to my feet and the whole time she was saying 'Let's get to the truck.' When you have a kidney stone, you need to pee all the time, usually just a drop or two. I told her I needed to pee first. As soon as I started to pee I felt that little chunk pass through and got weak in the knees again for just a second. It's done. Hallellujah. It blows my mind how something so small can cause so much damn pain.

Thanks to those who commented. It is done.


  1. We’re all pulling for you. Good news

    1. Thanks. I feel like a new man. Well, a long way from new, but I feel like an old man who just had a spike removed from his back and groin. And I didn't have to go to that damn hospital, Thank you Jesus.

  2. Have the docs determined what your stones consist of? and what foods are you told not to consume? I have never passed a stone, but had gall stones and while I didn't pass them sat in my gall bladder and made living uncomfortable and unpleasant, but now I don't have it. So now I have to watch what and amount of greasy food I can eat. Damn, getting old sucks! I miss eating greasy ass cheese burgers and fries...

    1. The last time I gave my doctor a kidney stone that I had passed ... probably 6 years ago, he told me that I needed to get a water purification/sediment device, which I did. Florida is nothing but limerock and anywhere you leave water running it leaves that dark stain, a mix of iron and limerock. He told me I needed to stop drinking so much tea because it can cause more rapid formation of stones. He told me to stop eating so many greens because they contain minerals that can help form stones. There was some other stuff but I know me enough to know I ain't gonna stop eating them. Just some of the things that I love to eat and drink the most.
      I just ate one of the most greasy, cheesy, tomatoey? hamburgers I've ever had on Sunday. Damn it was good.

  3. Trust me. Passing a kidney stone is very painful, but...

    I had issues. Went to the doctor. He shoved a snake cam up my wizwang. About 4 inches in, he had finished shoving the whole news crew up there with the now large camera. 4 more inches in and he had the whole satellite rebroadcast truck shoved up there.

    Never, ever ever go to a urologist who, when in the presence of excruciating pain, tells you to suck it up. Especially when the good looking nurse suddenly develops fangs and has blood dripping off her long fingernails. And you can hear people running out of the building because some unearthly screams are heard. And you realize that those eldritch sounds are coming for you.

    I think that having the whole off-shore oil rig shoved up my member probably did more for fixing any obstruction issues than the meds and lots of water did.

    Still scars me to this day. Probably scars anyone within a half mile radius who heard me.

    But, yes, kidney stones can be a royal pain. Drop you to your knees, as you found out. But it could be worse... Trust me...

    All in humor, though. But when someone offers to shove a whole news department where it doesn't belong, prepare for pain no matter what drugs they give you.


Kidney Stone Relief

Well, when my wife got home from work today, I got up to go fix her a glass of tea and when I got in the kitchen the pain overrode the pain ...