Friday, March 21, 2025

First Reported Case Of TDS Requiring Hospitalization

 (They went to a lot of effort to mention "her" and "she in this article to try and ignore the fact that this was a MAN PRETENDING TO BE A WOMAN.")
The transgender-identifying Waterville City Councilor Rien Finch, formerly known as Hannah Heidt, resigned from her (his) position without warning on Monday, claiming that President Donald Trump’s election left her (him) physically unable to breathe, requiring hospitalization.
“Mentally, I’ve taken a beating,” said Finch in an email reviewed by Central Maine. “I had taken a beating before getting sick and I’m absolutely certain it contributed to how physically ill I was. It didn’t start with the election, though that heavily contributed.”  
The former Ward Six councilor reportedly first became sick following a six-week leave last summer to help her (his) family in Michigan, after which she (he) returned to work without a break, having expended all her (his) vacation time.
Finch claimed that exhaustion from that ordeal, along with President Trump’s policies, ultimately resulted in a trip to the emergency room.
“Then the very first act that the new leader of the free world did was to tell me I didn’t exist. There has been zero time to catch my breath. It wasn’t until I actually literally couldn’t breathe that I had the opportunity to take a breath, and that was only when I was in the ER, getting oxygen after my pulse ox dropped,” she (he) said.
In her (his) resignation email, Finch discussed the importance of putting oneself first.
City Clerk Patti Dubois confirmed to Central Maine on Tuesday that the city will hold a special election in May or June to fill the recently vacated seat.
The city must hold an election within 30 days of the council’s voting to declare the vacancy, and Dubois believes that the vote will likely take place at its April 1st meeting.


Signal Chat Text Chain Released

Most transparent administration in modern history. Go to the link and follow the thread to see the entire Signal text conversation. https://...