Monday, March 17, 2025


This is NOT about whether 9/11 was a horrific terrorist attack on American soil ... it was. This is in reference to whether 9/11 was an 'inside job' or performed with some assistance from assets within the US government or their assets.

I haven’t ever really gotten into the back and forth on the 9/11 event because there was just too much unknown on every angle. This is the first time I’ve ever expressed an opinion on 9/11 because I just didn’t know what I think I know now.
But recently, I found the video that I linked on the bottom of this post and it just piles on to the ‘evidence’, circumstantial as it is, that furthers my belief that there was knowledge beforehand by our government.
Over time I have evolved to the point where I not only think some of the elites in our government knew about an impending attack but I think that there is overwhelming ‘evidence’ that not only could our CIA and other alphabet agencies knew about it but probably assisted. maybe not directly, but indirectly. I believe they ignored all the warnings and probably covered up some of the warnings.
Maybe I’m just a conspiracy nut but there’s just too much too ignore. Seeing everything coming out now about how evil, corrupt, and war-mongering some of those in the government are, I just can’t believe the attack could have happened without some ‘inside’ help.
And just what little I know about aircraft, jet fuel, explosives, and steel framed buildings, there is no way in my mind that aircraft took down the towers on that day without some kind of ‘enhancements.’
Even if this was an attack that our government knew about and tried to assist, nothing will ever make me change my mind about my beliefs that we should NEVER allow ANYONE of the muslim faith in this country and we should deport all of those here who adhere to that faith. Read their own book. Know your enemy.
These videos by no means are what made me decide to post this but I didn’t want to post them without finally expressing my opinion.

All the things being uncovered recently, especially during this 47th Trump Presidency, make me believe that no matter how corrupt the government is, we will really never comprehend just how completely corrupt it is.

Donald Trump back in 2001, right after 9/11, discussing the attack on the twin towers and how he thought that more than planes were involved in the attack, maybe even “bombs.”

Now for the first time, for me anyway, I realize that Bush, accidentally perhaps, spoke the truth about 9/11 at a press briefing on 9/15/2005.

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