Sunday, February 23, 2025

Random Political Social Media Posts

Janet Mills is the ultra-liberal governor of Maine that Trump got into a verbal confrontation with at the Governors Association meeting who said she would not comply with  the Title IX EO. 





  1. It's going to take time for me to get used to the good news

    1. Yes sir, it's been a long time coming so enjoy every minute of you can. No telling when things might change knowing the Damnocrats.

  2. Notice the majority of general fuck ups have a woman centered around it? They are given duty and responsibilities that are far above their skill level and accountability. Sure they checked the dei boxes and were praised to be brave pioneers breaking into traditional male roles. Men can function at those levels because they understand they will be held accountable and have been generally growing up because boys and men have always been held to a higher standard and girls and women have not. A man will follow another man that exhibits strong leadership and accounting to hell, a man will not follow a woman. Am I patriarch? Proud of it.

    1. Real men know what you said is true. Men are what they are for a purpose and nothing can change that. Same for women. We're built for different 'missions'.


Been There. Done That.