Sunday, January 26, 2025

Tom & Jerry’s Ice Cream Pushed Commie Ideology YEARS Ago

But I didn’t think they would ever come out and admit it without reservation. I’m proud that we discovered that early and we’ve never bought so much as a pint.

If you're not boycotting them, you're part of the problem.


  1. Found that out a long time ago, never bought their ice cream. I thought Bluebell tasted better, didn't use 2 tons of sugar like Bent & Jerk.

    1. I was at a friend's house and they had B&J. It may have just been the flavor or whatever but it was syrupy and grainy at the same time. Never tried it again, especially when I found out about their ideology.

  2. The only time I had it was as desert at some luncheon. Way too sweet, and like Karl said "grainy". I looked at the nutrition info and there were more calories in that little cup than in the rest of the lunch!


Fraud, Waste, And Abuse At SBA ... SAY WHAT?

They know it and we know it ... if the government is involved, there will be rampant fraud, waste, and abuse.