Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jerry Nadler (Dumbass-NY) Needs To STFU And Go Back To Sleep

Jerry Nadless is a Jew for all of you that didn't know it. How can you hate Israel and Jews if you're Jewish. He consistently votes against Israel and Jews and pushes the most anti-semitic filth. What a POS. 


Here are some of the responses to his lying comments. He knows it wasn't a Nazi salute, he just wants to promote the evil brand of the Democrats.

William Jacobson is a Cornell Law School professor.


Raylan Givens is an ex-IDF soldier.

 Eyal Yacoby is a Jewish political commentator.


Jen X is a human, something that Nadler has no connection to.



  1. Was Dave Garroway also a NAZI?
    Peace: A single word accompanied by a raised hand was the sign off of Dave Garroway, host of the Today show on NBC. He was an anchor for the Today Show for nine years following a successful radio career. Garroway suffered with health issues and ended his own life in 1981. In 1988 Arsenio Hall started using the same sign off as a tribute to Garroway.

    1. Thanks. NO, Garroway wasn't a Nazi. If the raised hand is a true indication of being a Nazi, even if the movement is just for a split second in the action of making another movement, most Democrats are Nazi's. Also check out the Bellamy Salute. I am going to make another post regarding the Bellamy Salute soon.

  2. Funny the jews are behind most of the antisemitism symbols and "hate" speech when you pull back the onion peels to find the true perpetrators. The blacks learned much from their rabbis...

    1. Jews are one of their worst enemies, that's true.


Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

              Prickly City leans heavily to the left so this is why this cartoon has Musk dressed as a 'king.'