Wednesday, January 29, 2025

But ... Lyft Doesn't Have A Fleet Of 5 Ton Trucks ...



  1. Where are the judges who'd simply look at her and toss the suit out of the court while berated the two POS lawyers for actually having the nerve to file such a lawsuit? I mean, hell, she'd have a hard time fitting inside my 1500 series truck, much less any econobox cars I assume most Lyft drivers own. Sorry, society does not have to accommodate everybody, especially her fat ass.

    1. I feel the same as you. If this woman were to show up in "my courtroom" (not a judge) I would tell her about her fat ass, in the proper judicial language of course, and dismiss it immediately. Why do people think it's wrong to use common sense these days ... damn.

  2. should have called a fork lift
