Thursday, December 26, 2024

Today Has Been A Challenge

My emphysema has been flaring up badly since yesterday and it becomes a chore to concentrate on all the other small chores I need to do and pay proper attention to the blog. I will continue to do this but the quantity may go down from time to time. I enjoy the blog and the 4 people who come here and share my insanity.  

Like Lone Watie, I will "endeavor to persevere."

Thanks to my visitors.


  1. Take care of yourself first it seems everyone is battling with health problems right now so just work on getting better

    1. I'm doing everything I can to feel better that I can do from home. And you're right, it does seem that there are more people than normal with health issues lately. Thanks for the concern and the visit and comment.

  2. That ain't no fun! Ya gotta stay away from those 5 cent cigars and those vaping pens... Are you on O2 when you have breathing problems?

    1. It's 50+ years of Marlboro that's hurt my ass. Only smoked a few cigars and they were quality cigars from my CO in Germany and never vaped. I am on O2 at low levels almost all day. I turn it off at night except when I rarely fall asleep with it on. When I have issues I jack it up a little bit and I'm trying to use my nebulizer more often like the Dr. has been telling me for a couple of years.
      It seems that my breathing issues turn a turn for the worse when I caught the "covid" at the very end of 2019. I thought I was gonna die. Never quite recovered fully from that.


Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

      BONFIRE !!! Snow Woke Status - DOA I very seldom drink sodas but when I do, it's Pepsi or A&W Root Beer.