Friday, December 27, 2024

Random GIF Dump


Bat intercepts a Badminton birdie thinking it has caught the bug of it's dreams.

Whoa ... someone forgot to tell him there was a fight RIGHT AFTER the dance off.

I think he racked up quite a body count from that incident. That one bicyclist was smacked like a bug by that light pole ... damn.

Hmmm ... this is new. I'll bet they meant to put it on the floor ...

It's impossible to tell someone about the size and power of these bison. You almost have to see them to understand it. We got up close to a few of them in Yellowstone ... we were in the Jeep, we did not do the tourist death wish thing.

 Bombardier Beetle

I've had experiences like that before. (With the rockets too.) We used to blow so much money on those things.

The power and speed involved in getting that deer back up in that tree before that hyena got there was damn impressive.

I think the people in the black car were in the right place to survive that.

3rd world sewage don't play.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. If I don't like 'em, I don't post 'em.

  2. I didn't know the bombardier beetle was so well armed. I thought it just squirted a stream Out the back,,but that thing unleashed quite a barrage!
    That deer hit the ground and I guess there's that 5 second rule over there, too. The strength to grab it and just Rip up the tree?!?! Yeah,, I'm staying clear of where stuff like that lives.

    1. The bombardier beetle is immune to it's own acid and from what I've read they can aim the acid pretty accurately.
      The strength of the leopard to grab that deer and run up the tree is truly impressive.


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