Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Detransitioner Chloe Cole: Transgender Supreme Court Case ‘Means Everything To Me’

'If a law like this were in place in my state while I was growing up ... this never would have happened to me.’

(I admire this girl SO MUCH for standing up and speaking out.)
Detransitioner Chloe Cole is eagerly looking forward to the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in a pivotal case on Wednesday, arguing that the Court has the ability to protect children across the United States from the procedures that deeply harmed her.
Cole is a young woman who has sued her doctors, accusing them of pushing her to medically and surgically attempt to change her gender while she was struggling with mental illness and incapable of fully consenting as a minor. Cole underwent a double mastectomy as a teenager and took hormones and puberty blockers in an effort to appear as a male — and then realized, soon after, that she had made an irreversible mistake.

Cole has now become one of the most outspoken detransitioners who push back against gender ideology, and she will be speaking at a rally outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday while the justices hear arguments in United States v. Skrmetti, a case dealing with Tennessee’s law banning irreversible gender transition procedures for children.
“This case really means everything to me,” she told The Daily Wire, “because if a law like this were in place in my state while I was growing up, if this were just federally banned across the board when I was going through this, this never would have happened to me.”
“My family wouldn’t have been torn apart the way that it was,” she argued. “My mom and dad wouldn’t have been betrayed by our doctors and I wouldn’t have lost my breasts or so many of my formative years to a dangerous medical ideology.”
The ACLU is arguing on behalf of multiple families and their trans-identifying children, who will be present in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Cole, who frequently has argued that parents are also victims of the gender ideology cult, addressed this, saying that the families’ presence reminds her of when she testified to Congress in 2023.
“There was a mother there who was doing the same thing,” she explained, “I really feel for these parents because they are being manipulated by their children’s doctors, by their children’s psychologists and physicians and counselors and other adults in that child’s life who should be helping the family. They’re being backed into a corner and being told there is no other choice for your child but to undergo a gender tradition, they’re being given no other options.”
“They’re being told that the life of their child is on the line that they just don’t say yes,” she added. “I don’t blame them for being in favor of this because they’ve been lied to. They’ve had their single greatest fear as parents being leveraged against them and really no parent wants to have with their kid. Especially if they feel that they’re under threat of suicide.”
Parents have been done a major disservice, Cole said, and she believes that families deserve to know that “people like me do not hate transgender individuals.”
“I know what it’s like to go through gender transition,” she said. “I know what it’s like to have gender dysphoria and to experience suicidal radiation. We’re all concerned about the same thing. What we all want, what we’re all concerned about is the welfare of these gender confused children.”
The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh will speak outside the Supreme Court at a rally hosted by Do No Harm, an organization that fights radical gender ideology.
The “What is A Woman” filmmaker has spent the last several years exposing the gender ideology industry, particularly through an investigation into Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s gender transition procedures for children. That September 2022 investigation prompted Tennessee lawmakers to bring forward legislation to protect children — the same legislation at the center of Wednesday’s case.
Cole said Walsh has had a “massive impact” on the fight against gender ideology.
“I’m incredibly grateful for his efforts and his voice in this movement,” she said. Cole pointed to “What Is A Woman,” Walsh’s documentary exploring what a woman is and highlighting the absurdities of the gender discourse, arguing that it “created a major turning point.”
“I and several other detransitioners have personally interfaced with him, some have been interviewed by him and he’s been just incredibly kind and accommodating along the way,” she shared. She also referenced his investigation into Vanderbilt University, noting: “That was huge for this case as well.”

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