Wednesday, November 20, 2024


BREAKING: Speaker Johnson commits to not allowing biological men in women’s bathrooms.
A transgender pretender and biological male was elected to Congress from the state of Delaware and this caused Nancy Mace to write a privileged motion that would force the House to vote on blocking biological males from using female restrooms.

Mace said on X this morning: “For the record, this is a binding resolution. The Sergeant at Arms would enforce it.”
It was just reported a few minutes ago that Speaker Johnson has now committed to not allowing biological men in woman’s bathrooms by putting this in a rules package:

“Mace is still reserving the right to file it as privileged resolution or amend it if that doesn’t happen though.”
Let’s hope Speaker Johnson makes this happen but if it comes down to it, Nancy Mace should easily win this vote.
MTG got in on this today and said should would physically defend the women’s bathroom if it came down to it:

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