Monday, November 18, 2024

The Village Hemorrhoid - Slacker - UPDATE

The wife has a doctors appointment in the city first thing this morning and I'm driving her. I feel like crap this morning so I don't even know what to say about posting today. We'll see. Y'all have a great day.

The wife's procedure went better than we had any right to expect, even the doctors were happy. I am feeling better. And GOD is GOOD.



  1. What? is it catching? I feel like day old squashed roly-poly... and I didn't get much sleep last night. May I have some more cheese with that whine?

    1. LOL. I have to whine so people know I'm still alive, lol. My problem is OGB (Old Geezer Blues) and emphasema ... not catching as far as I know. I was nervous about her tests and it made relaxing and sleep impossible. Aside from still not being able to breathe, all is well now. Good to hear from you my friend.

  2. Good for you folks! And your right God is good.

    1. Thank you sir. Appreciate the visit and the comment.


Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump

      I modified the text on this one.