Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thanksgiving - Pregnant Turkey

Excellent Prank For Thanksgiving … That is if your kids are city kids or not too bright.

P.S. That’s ROCK Cornish, not “raw” Cornish. Transcribers need to have a higher education also.

Lesson for today:
Turkeys and chickens are oviparous.
Oviparous animals are the ones who lay eggs and do not give birth to their off-springs directly.
Viviparous animals are the ones that give live birth and do not lay eggs. Humans are viviparous.
Ovoviviparous animals young develop in eggs, but the eggs hatch inside the mother's body. Some sharks, snakes, fish and others are ovoviviparous.


  1. Alright... That was hilarious! I grew up in time where we hatched, raised and slaughtered our Thanksgiving bird.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It sounds like you enjoyed it as much as I did. Up until the time I became disabled (emphysema) we also grew just about everything we ate, vegetable and animal, and did our own slaughtering and butchering. Thank you for the visit and the comment. Happy Thanksgiving to you Annie. (Fellow Floridian here.)


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