Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Israel Delivers a Blistering Response UN Sec General's Disgraceful Call for Ceasefire.

The UN is largely (COMPLETELY) a worthless entity that takes a lot of our money but doesn't seem to use it for much good and certainly doesn't use it to champion the causes about which we have historically been concerned. They also tend to support the people who wish us ill.
Now, you would think that it would be easy to condemn the Iranian leadership's ballistic missile attack on Israel.
But apparently not if you're UN Secretary General António Guterres.
Guterres got a verbal beat down for his weak, feckless statement. Many called on him to resign and blasted the UN for the being useless or siding with terrorists.
(I have always liked Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, and his response was smack.)
Responses came from the Israeli Official account:

As well as former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett:

But regardless of the UN, Israel isn't going to give Iran a ceasefire after this ballistic missile attack. As we reported, Israel is already promising to respond.
The Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said Iran would soon feel the consequences. And it "will be painful."

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