Wednesday, October 23, 2024

“By Jeffrey Goldberg” (And Anonymous Sources) Should Tell You All You Need To Know (UPDATED)

Orange Man Will Be A Dictator

The headline from ‘The Atlantic’ is designed to snatch a few weak-minded on-the-fence liberals and low IQ voters back across to the radical side the fence.
The same ‘author’ who wrote the now thoroughly debunked “losers and suckers” lie has made a last ditch effort to shock undecideds into voting for Komrade Kamala.
I would be willing to wager money that the same unnamed sources that ‘verified’ the asinine “losers and suckers” story were called upon again to ‘verify’ this fish-wrapper of a story.



  1. Just asking, but who the hell is still "undecided" at this point?

    Put me firmly in the camp of people who think not every vote should count. I think voting is a right and should be reserved for people who currently work and pay taxes, or own property, or who otherwise have some serious stake in the country (former military service, retired after long career, etc.). People who don't meet that criteria shouldn't get a say in how the country is run. People who are dependent on welfare to eat should not get a vote since they are 100% dependent on the govt they are voting for (as opposed to the rest of us who have to support that govt with our labor and wealth). And anyone who is still "undecided" should just stay home.

    1. I actually think there are VERY few undecideds at this point. Those who have a VERY low IQ can waver back and forth but they probably vote on a very low percentage. But, there is no legitimate reason to keep undecideds from going to vote. Some people get convinced by people near the voting precincts.
      I think you would leave out quite a few people with your absolute voting opinion. My mother who has passed away now, would not have been able to vote under your guidelines. She was a stay at home wife and mother, never held a formal paycheck job. After my father passed away, her health was not great and she moved in with my wife and I. She got checks from the government for her husbands SS until her death.

    2. My wife would fall under that same issue. I'd be willing to open it up to the major wage earner plus spouse, since the spouse has a stake in how her husband's paycheck is taxed. I'm just 100% opposed to the dems going on vote hunting campaigns to get all the low income people to the polls - it is straight up vote harvesting and also very ripe for their cheat.


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