Friday, September 6, 2024

Watching your step in Florida is a matter of life and death.  

We have Water moccasins, Rattlesnakes, Coral Snakes, Pythons, Sharks, Bears, and Panthers. All of them are pretty well camouflaged except the Coral Snakes. Not quite as deadly but encountered more frequently are our abundant supply of Fire Ants and Mosquitos.


  1. I'd seriously fill my britches if I stumbled across that. I can handle most anything else, but gators and crocs scare the living caca outta me. As often as I go fishing in muddy holes you'd think I would handle that better, but I don't.

    1. The really big ones are worth being scared of. But for most of my life we allegedly caught alligators either in the lakes or the river here and would cook 'em up. After a while the novelty wore off and we just didn't want to risk it anymore.


UPDATED: (1) Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) Is Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent (D-NY) On Steroids

More racial lies/hate added as I find them at bottom.   The stupid bitch is strong in this one, well both of them.