Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Haitians in several Democrat run cities, especially in Ohio are killing people's pets, cats and dogs, and catching all the ducks and geese at the city parks and lakes and ponds and butchering, cooking and eating them. One woman who was missing her cat, was walking through the neighborhood, heard what seemed like a small celebration in a backyard, looked over the fence and they were skinning her cat.


  1. Is this the tipping point? Allowing these sub-humans and all the other sub-humans into our country?

    1. I think parts of the country are going to be war zones in the near future, some areas already are. These Haitians have TPS and from what I've heard, the Biden administration has rewritten part of the agreement that will effectively make them citizens in short order. The country is in desperate need of Trump again. I watched a video the other day of a river in a large Haitian city that was flowing with pure trash and sewage and they were steady dumping garbage in the river. I guess PETA and the eco-warriors have other shit to do right now like throwing paint on art or gluing their ass to a highway.


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