Wednesday, September 18, 2024

In the first clip, Whoopi, who used to love Trump because he was her friend and did a multitude of humanitarian deeds to help other people including a lot of black people, claims that us deplorables, Trump, and J.D. are the only ones talking about “destroying Democracy.” In the other 3 clips, she proves that she is a lying, evil, hypocritical BITCH.

 Beep, beep ..... Beep, beep ..... BOOM

 Excerpt from ‘The Motherzucker Report”

“The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easily, but the new models, the 700WEF, look almost human. They sweat, blink, and have facial expressions just like us. They are very hard to spot. The one telltale giveaway is the halitosis, it smelled like death.”


Hundreds of Hezbollah members wounded in Lebanon in mass pager hack.
Reports from Arab and Israeli media have said that over 1,200 people have been wounded.

 UPDATE: Lebanese Health Ministry says 8 people have been killed, including the son of a Hezbollah member of the Lebanese Parliament, and as many as 2,700 injured.

Hundreds of members of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah were seriously wounded on Tuesday in Lebanon's south and the southern suburbs of Beirut when the pagers they use to communicate exploded, security sources told Reuters.
A Reuters journalist saw 10 Hezbollah members bleeding from wounds in the southern suburb of Beirut known as Dahiyeh.
Iranian ambassador Mojtaba Amani was reportedly injured in the explosion, according to state-owned Mehr News.
A senior Lebanese security source told Al-Hadath that Israel infiltrated the communication system of individual devices and detonated them.
According to reports, the phones were called before the explosion for some period of seconds to increase the chance that whoever received the call would pick it up and be maximally wounded.
The pagers detonated were the latest model brought in by Hezbollah in recent months, three security sources told Reuters.
A Hezbollah official cited by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said that hundreds of members had such pager devices, and speculated that malware could have caused the device to heat up and explode. The same official cited by the WSJ reported that some people felt the pagers heat up, disposing of them before they exploded.
Additionally, the same report by WSJ quoted Hezbollah officials stating that the number of casualties was rising too quickly to count.
A Hezbollah official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the detonation of the pagers was the "biggest security breach" the group had been subjected to in nearly a year of war with Israel.

A Reuters journalist saw ambulances rushing through the southern suburbs of the capital, Beirut, amid widespread panic. Residents said explosions were taking place even 30 minutes after the initial blasts.
Lebanon's Health Ministry urged health workers to head to hospitals, according to the Arab media channel NBN.
An Al-Jazeera security source confirmed that communication devices carried by Hezbollah operatives exploded in several areas across Lebanon, not only in Beirut but also in Beqaa and southern Lebanon. Another Lebanese security source claimed that Israel hacked into Hezbollah's radio communication system and caused the explosions.
According to Al-Hadath, the IDF remotely detonated the communication devices using advanced technology. However, Israel has not taken responsibility for the explosions.
Hossein Mortada, a Hezbollah-affiliated journalist who works for the Syrian news agency Al-Alam, told individuals and media in Lebanon not to post any videos or photos of the event, especially of the wounded, in a post to X (Twitter).

Reuters contributed to this report. This is a developing story.

To comply with Howard Stern's 'demand', I would first have to listen to his radio show once because I've NEVER tuned in to his insanity. I faintly remember a TV show of his, years ago, that was full of depravity and filth ... avoided everything to do with him since then. F**K Howard.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump









Rachel Vindman backpedals a day late, no one is stupid enough to buy the bs.

In her initial post, Vindman referenced the first assassination attempt — which took place on July 13th in Pennsylvania — where firefighter Corey Comperatore was killed, two others were seriously injured, and Trump was shot in the ear. Because the shooter on Sunday was apprehended without ever firing a shot at Trump, she said. “No ears were harmed. Carry one with your Sunday afternoon.”
She later doubled down, saying that she was not even a little bit sorry for “triggering” people with her comment. But by Monday, she had changed her tune.

( I wonder if it has anything to do with Vindman’s brother-in-law currently running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia.)

Random GIF Dump

That one tire was the only survivor.

I need horns.

Even if it's unintentional, cats are assholes.


NOPE. I would LOVE the slide but that jump off the roof will be the basis of a horrific story in the local newspaper about that dude one day.

LOL. Was he pretending to be blind? I'll bet he can see now.

One or two seconds either way and that wouldn't have happened.

Can't get much closer than that ...

That's going to be a rough landing. And you'll never get that smell out of that car.


CAT FIGHT ! CAT FIGHT ! For the cute factor.

If you have friends that look like these 'people' ... first, WTF is wrong with you and second, GET AWAY, GET AWAY. It's too damn late for an intervention, the TDS has entered the fatal stage and there is NO HOPE.


J.D. busts out some truths ...


Snicker and Luther gettin’ the hell out of Springfield, Ohio.
I actually LOL'ed at this.

 6 Dirty RINOs Sign Pledge with Democrats to Certify the Results of the 2024 Election – Without Knowing the Details.

In yet another clear sign that the swamp is alive and well in Washington, more than 30 House members—including a disgraceful six Republicans—have joined hands with Democrats to sign a so-called “bipartisan” pledge that seeks to undermine the true voice of the American people before the 2024 election even takes place.
The pledge, deceptively named the “Unity Commitment,” pretends to “safeguard” the election, but in reality, it’s nothing more than an effort to rubber-stamp the will of establishment elites and globalist politicians.
Leading this charge are Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), who are rallying members of Congress to commit to upholding whatever result comes from the 2024 election—even as concerns about voter integrity and election security remain at an all-time high.

Among the RINOs are Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Mike Lawler (R-NY), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR), Nick LaLota (R-NY), and Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY), all running for reelection in districts that voted for Biden in 2020, according to Washington Examiner.

Let’s not forget, none of these so-called Republicans stood with the 139 GOP House members who, in 2020, courageously voted against certifying the results of a fraudulent election riddled with irregularities.
Instead, they’ve joined a chorus of Democrats who have weaponized our elections, accusing anyone who raises legitimate questions about voter fraud of “undermining democracy.”
And here’s the kicker: this pledge includes a commitment to attend the inauguration of the so-called “legitimate” President in 2025, no matter what! They want to lock in the results before the votes are even counted and bully anyone who dares to question the process.
These RINOs are too afraid to stand up for their voters and instead want to make peace with the Democrats and their far-left base.
Trump has been right all along—there are serious concerns about the integrity of our elections, especially as Democrats continue their reckless policies of opening the borders and “importing” voters, as the former president has boldly pointed out. Yet, this group of establishment sellouts would have you believe there’s no problem here, even as millions pour across our border, potentially diluting the voice of true Americans at the ballot box.
The so-called “Unity Commitment” even goes as far as to prepare for legal challenges in multiple states, as if they’re already expecting contested results. But don’t be fooled—this is no effort to ensure fairness.

The letter reads:
Once the 2024 presidential election is over – and all legal means to challenge election results in the courts have been exhausted – I will safeguard the fairness and integrity of America’s democratic process by:
1. Acknowledging the election winner certified at the joint meeting of Congress in January 2025 as the legitimate President of the United States.
2. Attending the President’s inauguration ceremony in person.
3. Serving as a voice for calm and reconciliation and speaking out against those who endorse or engage in violence that harms people, property, or public spaces. After this election, America will have the rule of the mob unless the commonsense majority stands up. It’s never been more critical for our leaders to embrace the enduring idea that America is and must always be one nation.

When Democrat politicians talk about “respecting election results,” what they really mean is silencing dissent and forcing everyone to accept whatever result is handed to them.
They want Americans to ignore their own eyes, their own experiences, and the mounting evidence of electoral corruption, all in the name of some fake unity.

Trump and Bobby bustin’ loose.
(Is that how they talk now or am I 20 years behind on the slang?)

She may have not worked AT McDonalds but here is proof she did work McDonald's neighborhood.

Royal Dutch Airlines put out this LGBTQ+? friendly invitation to fly their airlines. (This is aged … 2017)

It may not matter to them who (or what) you click with, but if your health and/or life matter to you, you should be very selective about that choice.
If you choose KLM seat belt option #1 or #2, should the plane undergo violent turbulence or crash you have a serious probability of being badly hurt or killed.
The ONLY safe, healthy option is #3.
Thanks to Royal Dutch Airlines for demonstrating just how important it is to choose the right ‘partner’ for safety.

Monday, September 16, 2024

That’s some creepy sh*t right there … almost like she’s still learning how to act human and the face mask doesn’t work properly yet.
I wonder if leaving the windows open during a Minnesota riot to smell the tires burning can cause that kind of damage …

That’s Tim Walz’ wife … Gwen.

 I’m gonna misquote The Don here, “‘I don’t know what she said at the end of that sentence, I don’t think she knows either.’

Random Political Memes/Cartoons Dump 







In the first clip, Whoopi, who used to love Trump because he was her friend and did a multitude of humanitarian deeds to help other people i...