Thursday, August 29, 2024

 Kamala Harris Posts Letter Allegedly from ‘Tucker’ Promoting Gun Control.
UPDATE: Tucker Carlson Responds.

This new breed of Commie Democrats are truly pathetic. They have absolutely no respect for the American public.
Kamala Harris posted a letter from “Tucker” Tuesday night on her Twitter page promoting gun control.
The tweet made people think it was from Tucker Carlson.
Here is the text:

Vice President Harris,
One of my absolute favorite things in America is how people of different backgrounds and beliefs have the freedom to communicate with each other. We are so blessed to live in a country where the greatest currency is the free-flowing exchange of ideas. In America, we are blessed with the ability to come together on common ground.
In the spirit of establishing common ground, even though I am fairly conservative and we may have our disagreements, I am writing to express my gratitude for yours and President Biden’s efforts to establish common sense gun safety laws. Owning firearms is every American’s Constitutional right. Like all things, there needs to be reasonable regulation like age restrictions, background checks, and mental health screenings. Thank you for heading the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and for years and President Biden’s push for common sense gun safety laws. I look forward to seeing what the Biden-Harris administration accomplishes in this regard.
All the best and God bless.
Here is the alleged hand-written letter Kamala posted and Kamala’s disingenuous tweet.

The first thing that sticks out about the letter is “Tucker’s” praise for free speech. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have destroyed the intent of the First Amendment in the country today. Numerous Americans are in prison, under lawfare attacks (including this website), were censored, (this website among others), were even sent to prison for a meme during the Biden administration.
Kamala and Old Joe ruled the country like Marxist thugs for four years. Even Mark Zuckerberg finally admitted this earlier this week.
The second thing readers noted was that the signature was nothing like Tucker Carlson’s.
The Gateway Pundit reached out to our friends at XRVision. They confirmed that the letter was originally created by AI but was then altered and written by hand to make it look authentic.
In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Tucker Carlson wrote:

“Ha! Seriously? I’m carrying a gun right now, as I always do. There are few things I hate more than the Democratic Party’s attempt to disarm the American population. That’s what dictatorships do.”
“People actually think I sent a handwritten letter to Kamala Harris endorsing gun confiscation? That’s moronic.”
Nothing is real with Kamala’s campaign.


  1. Good zinger from the Tuck! Too bad she will never see it...

    1. Yes sir. I hope the enemy actually see more of this stuff than I think they do, but Kamala especially is probably protected by her minions.


UPDATED: (1) Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) Is Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent (D-NY) On Steroids

More racial lies/hate added as I find them at bottom.   The stupid bitch is strong in this one, well both of them.