Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Kamala Harris - Miss Mendacity 2024

1. the quality of being mendacious; untruthfulness; tendency to lie.
2. an instance of lying; falsehood.

Instead of electing Kamala Harris to the presidency, I propose that we proclaim her Miss Mendacity 2024. She certainly deserves it.
In Foreign Affairs, Feb. 2, 2023, Ali Vaez described the Iranian government: “The regime has created a militarized republic of fear in which mediocrity is glorified and mendacity institutionalized.” Sadly, the same can be said of the federal government run by Biden/Harris. As the anointed heir to (and participant in) this administration, Kamala Harris is carrying on with Vaez’ lurid description.
There is not a single issue that Harris has not distorted with outright lies. She consistently lies about the open border (“The border is closed”). She denies ever having been Biden’s “Border Czar.” She lies about the causes and extent of inflation (“The inflation rate has been lowered dramatically”). She blames the Trump administration for both of these problems. She lies about her take on fracking. She lies about her support of the ultra-radical Green New Deal. In an attempt to make Trump out as a would-be dictator, she has lied about his position on Project 2025.
Harris’ most unforgivable lying offense is acting like she is not part of the Biden/Harris government. Harris pretends that, if elected to the presidency, she will fix all the problems currently plaguing the U.S.—massive illegal immigration, the high cost of energy, and runaway crime. A child of five can spot the flaw. Harris is part of the administration responsible for these problems. If making changes is a priority, she could have been making them for the last three and a half years. She could be doing it during the next five months. What is stopping her?
If she is incapable of doing it now, why should we think she could or would do it in 2025? Harris suggests, “Elect me, and I will reverse all the terrible things Joe and I have done since 2021.” A five-year-old can see through this subterfuge, but the voters can’t? That’s the scary part. With the help of uninformed voters and the fawning media, her lies could put her in the White House.
I don’t want to neglect the part of Vaez’s statement about mediocrity. In fact, this is what bothers me most about Harris’ candidacy. Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, are the personification of mediocrity in government. Kamala Harris lacks the qualifications to run for president. She lacks the intelligence, executive skills, experience, emotional maturity, and facility with language required for the job.
On top of all this, Harris is in thrall to the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party. She will say whatever her Marxist/socialist masters tell her to say. Despite Harris's promises, she can be counted on to drag the country kicking and screaming to the left.
Simply considering Harris as a viable candidate is an absurdity. She should be laughed off the political stage. And yet, thanks to the Democratic Party and the compliant mainstream media, here she is. Good luck to the country if she gets away with it.



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