Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I had a rough night last night. I have RLS/Restless Leg Syndrome and I could NOT sit still long enough to fall asleep. So I was wandering around aimlessly on the computer and I came across an article about TV shows and their theme music. I must be old. Anyway, some of the shows I had never seen … and after watching a show or two that was mentioned … I haven’t missed ANYTHING. IMHO, most of the shows on TV today are shit. Reality shows seem to be “the rage,” whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. Reality shows aren’t reality … and they suck. And I haven’t seen any shows on TV that have the appeal that the shows I watched years ago had.

Here is one of my favorite shows that I grew up with, that also had great theme music. I'll post a few more of these when I get around to it.

Hawaii Five-0 Theme Music
The Morton Stevens Hawaii Five-0 theme music was named the best tv theme ever by the Saturday Evening Post.
Here is a remastered version … much clearer.

The cover version of the Hawaii Five-0 theme music by The Ventures was one of the band's biggest hits.
Hawaii Five-0 theme by the Ventures

Zulu - Kono
Jack Lord - Steve McGarrett
Kam Fong - Chin Ho Kelly
James MacArthur - Danny “Danno” Williams

Kam Fong (Chin Ho Kelly) was employed as boilermaker at Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, when the Japanese attacked on December 7, 1941. He reported to work just after the attack and stayed there for three days. "I stood over the belly-up mine-layer USS Ogalala, the only ship with a Hawaiian captain, and cried. I looked across the bay and saw the battleship USS Arizona burning and I cried," said Fong. He lived in Kalihi during WWII. On 8 June 1944, his first wife and two children were killed when two B-25s collided and the burning wreckage fell onto the homes of his neighborhood.

 P.S. The fine sleek looking Hawaiian babe running down the beach in the opening theme was Elizabeth Logue (Elizabeth Louise Malamalamaokalani White Logue - August 10, 1932 - June 7, 1988). In the 1960s, she was a fine poster girl for the Hawaii Visitors Bureau; and also worked as a fine reservation agent at Hawaiian Air Lines, according to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. She was University of Hawaii’s Miss Air Force ROTC on 1959. She was a fine mix of Hawaiian, Chinese, and English. Elizabeth’s Hawaiian name, "Malamalamaokalini" means "the rising sun in the heavens". Have I mentioned that she was fine.

Life magazine - 1965


P.P.S. Over the course of the night I started off with one of my electrolyte Pickle Ice pops which usually reduces the insanity long enough to fall asleep but it had no impact at all. So after about 30 minutes, I took a double swig of ZZZQuil. Still on the computer, no relief. My wife woke up for a restroom run and brought me some ZZZQuil capsules, she didn’t know I had already taken the liquid, I didn’t tell her because it was around 3 AM and my legs were driving me insane. At 4 I threw caution to the wind and took half of an Oxy left over from my last kidney stone and at 4:30 I was relaxed enough to fall out. My legs have never given me that much trouble.

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