Thursday, August 1, 2024

Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson hammers Olympics for trying to feed athletes lab-grown meat, non-dairy.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson hammered the International Olympic Committee for trying to feed athletes lab-grown meat and non-dairy products on the Bob Rose Show.
The committee later decided to provide actual meat and eggs for the participants.
“If you’re celebrating the Olympics, the notion that we wold have a biomass with synthetic meat being added to our athletes, we don’t even know if that is safe,” Simpson said.
“What is is it’s this world dominance of the net zero people, it’s the indoctrination that happened by the way at our university systems. They’re trying to indoctrinate the world and what a better platform to do than at the Olympics?” he added.
“It’s a shame that the world has gotten so indoctrinated on at the leftist, elitist levels, and then they are pushing it down to all of our citizens,” he said.
He argued that the goal is to put America and the world’s “entire cattle industry out of business.”
“Right now you have thousands of farmers with cattle, that’s a great supply chain. If you put those out of business, you’ll have one place to get your biomass,” he said, arguing how food prices would go up with the industry monopolization of lab-grown meat and synthetic foods.
“And then you get in a pandemic or a world war and you could starve entire populations very quickly,” he said. “Whoever controls the food supply ultimately wins.”
Florida banned the manufacturing and sale of lab-grown meat in the state during the previous legislative session.
Gov. Ron DeSantis explained during the bill signing how organizations like the World Economic Forum are pushing their ideological positions against the agriculture industry.
“These will be people who lecture us about things like global warming, they will say that you can’t drive an internal combustion engine vehicle, they’ll say that agriculture’s bad, meanwhile, they’re flying to Davos in their private jets,” he said.

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