Friday, August 9, 2024

 China Walz Gets Exposed for Who he Really is.

Jesse Watters did a number on Kamala Harris’s VP last night and it was worth the price of admission. Twitter was ablaze yesterday. It looks like poor Walz is going to get swift boated. Then to make matters worse, we learn that he has a penchant for China even greater than the Commie Bernie Sanders.
Miranda Devine in a tweet sums it all up:
Has China found a new man in Washington now the Biden family are no use? Tim Walz’s long history with China raises uncomfortable questions for anybody who understands how China works, writes former NSA counterintelligence officer John Schindler.

Abridged version:
By his admission, Walz has visited China about 30 times, including spending his honeymoon there… It was an odd choice to visit China in 1989, right as the regime was crushing dissent with tanks in the infamous Tiananmen Square massacre.
This did nothing to diminish Walz’s admiration for Beijing. Upon his return from teaching in 1990, he told his local newspaper, “I was treated exceptionally well. There was no anti-Americanism whatsoever… “No matter how long I live I’ll never be treated that well again. They gave me more gifts than I could bring home.” He gushed that the police state had “almost no crime.”…
We need to ask what’s going on here, particularly in light of Walz’s admission in 1993 that his leading of student groups to China was funded by the regime. What did China think it was getting in exchange for this investment? What did Walz think Beijing expected in return?
Put simply, the Chinese communists aren’t running a holiday charity for American tourists. Nothing comes without a quid pro quo. It’s certain that Walz was vetted by the Ministry of State Security, the regime’s powerful secret police, because that’s how China works.
No American would be allowed to run academic exchanges for a couple of decades, on the CCP’s dime, without MSS approval. Three decades ago, a young American with an affection for China, who was also a part-time member of the U.S. military, would have been a tempting recruiting target for Chinese intelligence.
Given that Beijing’s spies represent the greatest espionage threat to the United States today, this isn’t any merely academic query. Moreover, we’re coming off four years of a Democratic president possessing odd, unexplained ties to Beijing, including millions of dollars given to his son by Chinese intelligence.
Do we really want someone who may be even more compromised by China in the White House?

Jesse take it away:

The formal connections between Tim Walz and China go back for more than 35 years.
1) Tim Walz received a special work visa and was a teacher in Communist China dating back to 1989, around the time of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
2) Tim Walz went to China every year between 1996 and 2003.
3) Tim Walz and his wife spent their honeymoon in China with over 60 Americans in-tow.
4) Tim Walz himself admits that he’s been to China over 30 times (that we know of).
5) Tim Walz and his wife set up an exchange program to take US students on trips to China, a program that was funded by the CCP.
6) Tim Walz reportedly failed a security clearance in 2021 for a job in the Biden administration due to “foreign influence”. No other details were given.
7) Tim Walz claimed he’s been fascinated with China since his childhood because he remembered seeing pictures of Mao Tse-Tung being frequently carried in parades, in … Nebraska? Those are just a few connections currently hitting the news.
The best from the swamp.

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