Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 MSNBC Examines Prayers at Trump Rallies Calling them ‘Apocalyptic’

The attack on Christianity during the opening of the Olympic games was not enough for MSNBC. “Morning Joe” goes after Christians again yesterday by investigating Trump rally prayers. The rallies open with prayer and its time to investigate just what is going on so says the segment. Journalists have not spent enough time investigating. It is a sad commentary on a nation that was founded on Christian Principals.

Daily Caller:
A panel on “Morning Joe” spent over eight minutes discussing prayers at rallies held by former President Donald Trump during a Monday segment.
In an article published Monday morning, McKay Coppins, a staff writer for The Atlantic, reviewed prayers at Trump’s rallies since he announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election in November 2022.
A week before christmas, an evangelical minister named Paul Terry stood before thousands of Christians, their heads bowed, in Durham, New Hampshire, and pleaded with God for deliverance. The nation was in crisis, he told the Lord—racked with death and addiction, led by wicked men who “rule with imperial disdain.”
“With every passing day,” the minister said, “we slip farther and farther into George Orwell’s tyrannical dystopia.”
But because God is merciful, there was reason for hope. One man stood ready to redeem the country: Donald Trump. And he was about to come onstage. “We know what he did for us and how he strove to lead us in honorable ways during his term as our president—in ways that brought your blessings to us, rather than your reproach and judgment,” Terry prayed. “We know the hour is late. We know that time grows shorter for us to be saved and revived.” When he finished in the name of Jesus Christ, Amens echoed through the hall. Soon Trump appeared to rapturous applause and Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.”
Coppins told MSNBC contributor Jen Palmieri during the eight-minute segment that the text of the prayers could be planting “seeds of conspiracy theories,” after he said the prayers had not received what he considered to be sufficient “journalistic attention.”
“If you imagine a loss for this ticket, you know, what are these rallies and the religious — and the prayers sort of sowing in this crowd of Trump supporters?” Palmieri asked Coppins about the prayers, which she characterized as “apocalyptic.”
“I’m almost just as concerned as what happens if Trump wins. I quote toward the end of the piece from a prayer that was given in Iowa, where the pastor who is praying promises righteous retribution if Donald Trump is reelected against those who would seek to do evil,” Coppins said.
“And again, you know, I think that both sides can be guilty of ratcheting up the stakes of any given election to be too high, but this is an example of where if you believe that God is on your side, it becomes very risky that you believe that a win is not only an electoral mandate, but a divine mandate to do whatever you want. And so I do think that we need to think about that and keep that in the back of our minds as we’re looking at some of the rhetoric coming out of the Trump campaign.”

One wonders what would happen if the same effort was made examining the prayers of Muslims.

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