Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Just more proof that "fact-checkers" are pretty much asswipes and they should all be talked down to. They've admitted that "fact-checking" is pretty much just the opinion of the overlords. FactCheck.org is definitely no different from all the rest of the bastards.

On the anniversary of Greta Thunbergs notorious 'we have five years' post and immediately the 'your facts don't line up with our approved narrative' people covered my post and said I was trying to 'distort' the actual truth.

You can follow the events. This shit pisses me off to no end. They have been 'moving my posts lower in the feed for years now.'


My original post.


 They covered / hid my post and added the "independent fact-checkers" bullshit at the bottom. I edited my post and added the comment at the top.


They refused to change their opinion even though they knew I was 100% accurate in my post.


I followed the FackCheck.org link to their article and it pretty much proved I was right by lying / distorting what I was actually posting.




And finally I was able to find the original posting in the archives. I sent it to FactCheck.org. No response, of course, yet.







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