Friday, April 26, 2024

Biden’s Title IX Revisions Erase Women.
The Left is taking away protections from women, but they aren’t the only ones hurt by this.

The Biden administration has been in the process of rewriting Title IX with several troubling “fixes.” Some of those rewrites were officially codified last week. Most importantly, gender identity will now be included as protected under Title IX. This essentially eliminates women’s protections … which was the initial impetus for the law back in 1972. Biden should know — he was there.
Riley Gaines, a former collegiate swimmer for the University of Kentucky and an activist for women’s rights, laid it out plainly regarding the Department of Education’s going ahead with enforcing the sexual harassment and discrimination aspects of the changes:

The Biden Admin has just officially abolished Title IX as we knew it. Now, sex = gender identity.
In a nutshell, the new rewrite means:
— men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women
— men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc
— men could be housed in dorm rooms with women
— students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns
If the guidelines above are ignored or even questioned, then YOU can be charged with harassment.

The most cowardly aspect of this whole thing is that Team Biden is waiting to make the sports changes until after the November election. Democrats know this will hurt them politically because virtually no sane person wants it. It caters to a very small and delusional/brainwashed group of young men who have a very high chance of growing out of it anyway. In the meantime, because they declare they are actually female, the Left is taking away protections from women and girls.
The full depths of how grossly unjust and evil these moves are cannot be adequately expressed. I am a former high school and college athlete, and now, as the mother of two little girls, the prospect of having their future opportunities quashed because of this feckless president and his radical left flank is infuriating.
Should Joe Biden be reelected in November and these rules and proposed changes not be reversed, my girls will not have the freedom to have a locker room or bathroom that is safe for them. My girls will not have a fair chance to learn to play a sport or to excel with other girls. Their risk of serious injury is exponentially higher, and their opportunities for scholarships and awards are slashed. This is the very opposite of justice.
But women aren’t the only ones hurt by this. Because of the new rules on sexual harassment and discrimination, men’s due process and free speech rights are also compromised. They will have no way to defend themselves against false accusations of sexual harassment and rape. Everyone’s First Amendment rights are infringed because of forcing people to use “preferred pronouns.”
Virginia Foxx (R-NC), chairwoman of the House Education and Workforce Committee, excoriated the Biden administration: “The rule also undermines existing due process rights, placing students and institutions in legal jeopardy and again undermining the protections Title IX is intended to provide. Evidently, the acceptance of biological reality, and the faithful implementation of the law, are just pills too big for the Department to swallow — and it shows.”
Biden is using a 20-80 issue to push us all to believe that he is a great “civil rights” president. His version of empathy is making this country a worse place for everyone.

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