Monday, February 5, 2024

“The New Colossus,” was a Socialist sonnet by poet Emma Lazarus that welcomed immigrants to the United States with the declaration, “Give me your tired, your poor, ad nauseam ..." (Written in 1883.)

Anytime anyone mentions anything about the Statue of Liberty / Emma Lazarus connection, I like to take that opportunity to correct the crap about the “The New Colossus,” commie poem, written by socialist writer Emma Lazarus.
Yeah, it’s the one with the “huddled masses” crapola.
The poem “The New Colossus,” was written by socialist writer Emma Lazarus. It didn’t come with the statue, "Liberty Enlightening The World," a gift from France unveiled in 1886, but was slapped on in the middle of the “Progressive Era” (in 1903). This was also the period that gave us other things as unAmerican as Lazarus’ poem, such as the income tax, and the notion that the Constitution could be considered a “living document” (Woodrow Wilson loved to bloviate about this).
It appears that the "huddled masses" quote was misinterpreted a while back to mean that we want your down-trodden, your poor, your unfortunate, your disadvantaged, your uneducated, and we will provide you with a free education, free health care, and allow you to become democrats.
The "huddled masses" commie puke was written in 1883, and it was 1903 when it was engraved onto the base.
It is very important that you realize that the Statue of Liberty and the Socialist/Communist poem by the Lazarus have NOTHING to do with one another. The poem is a parasite that was able to become attached to a host.
The poem was forgotten and not even a part of the celebration of the opening of the statue in 1886, and it was not until 1903 that it gained much attention outside the original contest to raise money.
In fact, the original intent of the statue had nothing to do with immigration, it had to do with freedom and liberty. France was thanking us for being the first nation ever to make the rulers of their country aware that freedom and liberty was possible. This is ultimately what lead to the French Revolution.
Of course the French Revolution failed because they fought for the rights of man (man as a single entity) while the founders of the U.S. fought for the rights of individual men (we all have inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by anything other than the government).
The reason the statue was build had nothing to do with the Lazarus poem, and yet once again history was twisted so that one group of people who wanted to convince the children of the world the Statue of Liberty was all about immigration. This was all one big lie that was taught in schools since 1903. This was a distortion by the progressives to make you think America was willing to take anyone, from any place in the world or universe.
The truth is, the statue was a celebration of the Declaration of Independence. In fact, we don't call it the statue of immigration, we call it the Statue of Liberty. Lady Liberty is stepping forward. She is meant to be carrying the torch of liberty from the United States to the rest of the world.
And in the proceeding years, that is exactly what she did. And she offered her freedom to France and the rest of Europe, and those countries came up with their own form of freedom, and their own interpretation. That's what other countries do. We have a right to choose our own forms of freedom.
And yet none compare to that of the United States. None. We were the first to establish freedom, we were the first to sign anything like the Declaration of Independence, and we were the first to form a U.S. Constitution that was meant to protect the natural rights of men.
Those who intentionally or unintentionally misinterpret the meaning of these great documents, or this great statue, are those who mean to change the United States to be something other than what the founders had intended.
American immigration has always been about welcoming those who wish to join us in the American dream, live by our laws and enrich our culture while rejecting those who would seek to undermine us.

“There is room and brotherhood for all who will support our institutions and aid in our development; but that those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws are aliens and enemies forever.” - Senator from New York, Chauncey Mitchel Depew, Unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, October 28 1886.

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