Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Monte Henderson, the black man charged with running down and killing a Hispanic mother and daughter leaving a concert in downtown St. Louis is out on bond. (The video is devastating.)

A DRIVER accused of killing a mother and daughter as they left a Drake concert has been released on bail.
Monte Henderson, the accused killer, was released from jail Friday morning after posting $20,000 of his $200,000 bail, according to court records.
Henderson is currently facing two counts of first-degree involuntary manslaughter charges and two counts of armed criminal action in connection to the deaths of Laticha Bracero, 42, and Alyssa Cordova, 21, of Chicago, Illinois.
Henderson was driving his car in St. Louis, Missouri, when he ran through a red light and hit the two women as they were leaving the concert on February 14, police said.
Devastating surveillance footage captured Henderson's Jeep speeding through the intersection before hitting another car and the two victims.
"Data retrieved from the Jeep Grand Cherokee indicated that the vehicle was traveling at speeds in excess of 70 mph before violating the red traffic signal," police noted in court records.
Bracero was pronounced dead at the scene, However, her daughter died shortly after being rushed to hospital, police said.
Henderson was also hospitalized in the crash and was listed as being in critical condition at the time.
"This is a very tragic accident, Monte is a very upstanding young man; involved in academics and sports," Henderson's attorney explained in a statement.
St. Louis police officer Matthew Wieczorek stated that the driver should remain in custody as he felt he would not appear for his summons, according to charging documents.
22-year-old Monte Henderson was released Friday.

Surveillance footage caught the horrifying scene.

WARNING: Video clip is not blurred or altered and shows the actual moment of impact.


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