Tuesday, January 2, 2024

 Man On Manure Spreader
Suffolk invention helps muck spreading go further.

By Ivor Traktor, Farming Correspondent (intern)
A Suffolk inventor is showcasing his clever innovation to help farmers reduce with the cost of muck spreading.
Giles Greenstock, 48, from Mildenhall, Ontario, Canada, has added a toilet to the top of a silage tank, allowing a farm hand to add to the contents as it goes along.
The genius contraption is proven to allow one single silo tank to spread manure across 24% extra field area.
“I came up with the idea while sitting on the lavatory one evening,” Mr Greenstock said. “It didn’t take long to put the prototype together, and early results are encouraging.
“Now I am looking for investors to bring this to the mass agriculture market. It’s a shit job, but someone’s got to do it.



You can see just the best version of the video I’m referencing at:


from what I understand, they are trying to make this video where you have to pay to see it, so:

If that one doesn’t work, go to:




and skip to 11:34

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