Saturday, December 2, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Upon being approached by members of a pro-Hamas organization at the U.S. Capitol, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio delivered a scathing message on Hamas.

(We haven’t heard much from the libtard group, Codepinko, for a while so they decided to come out in support of a terrorist group, Hamas, and a anti-Semitic hate group, BDS, to try and gain back some liberal street cred and to make low I.Q. people think they might be relevant.)
A member of CODEPINK, wearing a hoodie that reads “GAZA” on the front, asked Rubio if he supports a ceasefire between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas.
“No I will not – are you filming it?” Rubio said. “I want you guys to get this. I want them to destroy every element of Hamas they can get their hands on. These people are vicious animals who did horrifying crimes.”
“I hope you guys post that,” he told the CODEPINK member.
“What about the civilians that are killed every day,” the member replied.
“I blame Hamas,” Rubio said. “Hamas should stop hiding behind civilians, putting civilians in the way. Hamas knew that this was gonna lead to this. So, Hamas should stop building their military installations underneath hospitals.”
The CODEPINK member then accused Rubio of not caring “about the babies that are getting killed every day.”
“I care, I think it’s horrifying. I think it’s terrible, and I think Hamas is 100% to blame,” Rubio said. “That’s what I think. Make sure you post that, please.”
Rubio had called them “Hamas supporters” and posted an audio recording of the altercation earlier this week.
CODEPINK issued a response to Rubio’s comments, claiming Rubio only called them “Hamas supporters” because they “want to stop killing babies.”
“This conflict, Senator Rubio, did not start on October 7,” the member said. “It was preceded by decades of soul crushing oppression against Palestinians that you, and many other senators, have refused to acknowledge.”
She said that Israel won’t be able to “crush” Hamas because of the amount of Palestinians deciding to “take up arms” as a result of Israel’s military actions.
“There will never be peace in Israel until there is justice for Palestinians,” she said. “Make sure you post that.”
On CODEPINK’s website, the group says “Israel is committing war crimes” and has the phrase “free Palestine!” plastered on the front page, which colloquially refers to committing violence against Israel.
The group has a page dedicated to the Israel war, saying they “support Palestinians’ right to resist the violent occupation of Palestine.”
“We endorse the BDS movement,” the group’s site also states.

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