Friday, December 1, 2023

 George Santos Expelled From House of Representatives.

Congressman George Santos, the controversial Republican at the center of a major fraud scandal, has been expelled from the House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority.
In a 311-114 vote (with two members voting "Present" and eight not voting), Santos lost all but two Democrats and roughly half the Republican conference.
The vote came after it was revealed, among other things, that the Santos campaign had allegedly committed fraud not just on voters, but on some of Santos' own colleagues.
Rep. Max Miller sent an email to his House colleagues to explain what he and his mother had to go through after his personal credit cards were used illegally by the campaign.

“Late yesterday on the floor I alluded to a personal impact of Rep. Santos's conduct. Earlier this year I learned that the Santos campaign had charged my personal credit card - and the personal card of my Mother - for contribution amounts that exceeded FEC limits. Neither my Mother nor I approved these charges or were aware of them.
We have spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees in the resulting follow up.
I've seen a list of roughly 400 other people to whom the Santos campaign allegedly did this. I believe some other members of this conference might have had the same experience.
While I understand and respect the position of those who will vote against the expulsion resolution, my personal experience related to the allegations and findings of the Ethics Committee compels me to vote for the resolution.
Since I alluded to this on the floor yesterday, and because of the significance of the question before us, I believe you're entitled to this further explanation for my position.”

The expulsion makes Santos only the third person in history to be removed from the House in such a way since the Civil War.

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UPDATED: (1) Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) Is Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent (D-NY) On Steroids

More racial lies/hate added as I find them at bottom.   The stupid bitch is strong in this one, well both of them.