Argentina Elects Libertarian Javier Milei
Let’s start the week off with some excellent news. Formerly wealthy Argentina has spent generations in a state of economic misery thanks to the socialism entrenched by Juan Peron. At last it has turned a corner with the landslide election of President Javier Milei:
Milei campaigned as a libertarian, capitalist anti-socialist, leading his young political movement, Liberty Advances, against the long-standing Peronist socialist establishment.
Milei is libertarian like the Founding Fathers, not like the degeneracy and open borders variety.
As a Latin American libertarian, he also took socially conservative positions that do not align with the common understanding of mainstream libertarianism in the United States, such as opposing the legalization of abortion and discouraging business dealings with communist countries, including one of Argentina’s top trade partners, China.
No wonder the dejected retards at the Guardian sulk that Milei is a “far-right libertarian” as well as a “a climate-denying populist.”
Milei’s Liberty Advances Party first entered the Argentine Congress in 2021, giving Milei himself his first political experience and rising at the expense of both the socialist Peronists and the unpopular center-right establishment. The Peronists lost the Argentine Congress in 2021 for the first time since 1983. He has for years condemned politicians as “parasites” and referred to the nation’s career politicians as a “caste” that lives at the expense of the average Argentine citizen. As an economist, he has focused his public rhetoric for years on the wealth-generating power of unfettered capitalism, condemning socialism as an “impoverishing system” that allows for “parasites” in politics to live lavishly while most people suffer. To combat inflation and economic collapse, Milei has promised to “dollarize” the country – make the U.S. dollar an official Argentine currency – and eliminate the Argentine Central Bank.
Great idea — provided we pry Democrats out of power before their wasteful spending gives us a taste of the hyperinflation Argentines have become accustomed to.
While Joe Biden gibbers incoherently on behalf of bloated Big Government, Milei produces quotes like this:
“The state does not create wealth; it only destroys it.”
Milei is not a fan of his fellow Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio:
Milei … has derided Pope Francis as “a malignant presence on earth,” denounced him as a “filthy leftist” and charged that the pope had “an affinity for murderous communists.”
More Milei on Francis:
Milei called Pope Francis a “leftist son of a b* who is preaching communism throughout the world” and said that he was “the representative of the evil one in the house of God.”
Pope Francis represents a globalist left that aims to destroy our culture, our freedom, and our standard of living in the name of the repugnant ideology we know as progressivism/socialism/communism. Milei may come to personify worldwide pushback.
Celebrate Milei’s big win and get to know a promising libertarian politician by watching his interview with Tucker Carlson:
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