Thursday, November 2, 2023

 97 Percent of Scientists Don’t Agree on 'Climate Crisis': Manufacturing Consent - Facts Matter.

I thought this was a very informative interview … the right questions and informative, straight answers.

While the mainstream media around the world leads people to believe that a climate crisis will soon engulf the whole world, (if it hasn’t already) there are some people who’ve looked into the science and data, and … they’re not convinced.
According to Mr. James Taylor (the president of The Heartland Institute) when you examine the facts, and data, it puts the media’s scares into proper perspective, and dispels much of the eco-anxiety that young people across the world experience.
And so, while we were down in Texas, we were able to sit down and speak with James to discuss how consensus is being manufactured around this topic, and what the data truly shows.
Climate Resources:
Climate At A Glance:

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