Friday, September 29, 2023

Copperheads give birth from August until November in Florida. They can have as many as 20 but the usual number is less than 10. Baby copperheads are born alive, they don’t hatch from eggs.
Baby copperheads can be identified by the markings which are just like the adults except for the tail which is light to dark yellowish/greenish.
Baby copperheads, like other baby venomous snakes aren’t like adult venomous snakes. The venom is just as potent but an adult snake can control how much venom it injects and the young can’t. A young copperhead will inject every drop when it bites. An adult copperhead may inject a lot, a little, or none at all.
Copperheads account for the highest number of venomous snakebites in the U.S.


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