Wednesday, August 16, 2023

We were watching 'The Five' several days ago. We don't watch FOX news during the day but we record 'The Five' every day and watch it in the evening so we can cut out all the moronic commercials. If we watch news, it's usually Newsmax. ANYWAY, we were watching and at the end of the show they usually have a short segment where they each bring up some little personal issue of interest called ‘One More Thing.’ Someone brought up a little clip of an animal, a predator, and Greg, as always, made some off the wall comment about the eyes being in the front of the head of predators. Dana Perino made me laugh my ass off when she came back quickly with "That's why vegans make no sense.". 

Wow, long story to deliver that one little line, BUT it was hilarious to me.


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Hey Man, Am I Driving Okay?

  I think we're parked, man.