Tuesday, May 30, 2023

About the time I started this blog my wife was diagnosed with uterine cancer. We are fighting the good fight and remaining optimistic but at the same time we are fighting Dr's. and Hospitals daily to get her the needed procedures scheduled to get her on the road to recovery.

We would appreciated any prayers from my visitors. Thank you.

My posting has been a little sporadic lately and will continue to be for a few weeks possibly. My wife is going to multiple Dr's. appointments and in the meantime I have to take care of her and the house because she's so weak and miserable. We have almost been exhausted with the Dr's. appointments lately. We finally got a much needed appointment for her to get a paracentesis procedure done. That's when they drain the fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity. The last one she had, they drained 10 liters of fluid. That's like carrying 5 2 liter bottles strapped to your gut ... she's been miserable. And this time it will be even worse because it's been longer, much longer than it should have been. I'm strung out. If you can't get the hospital to schedule things like you need, you want to get on somebody's ass BUT IF you do, then human nature might make them try to make you suffer and you're between a rock and a hard place. I'm trying to be as nice as I can to get these things scheduled but there are times when you just have to let them know you aren't going to be walked on.

It's a struggle, what with knowing the person that means more than life to you is suffering, and you can't do anything, to not go choke a mf'er out.


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