Friday, April 28, 2023

Transhausen by Proxy - Mental Illness writ large

From a report in 1991, it was determined that the mothers of boys who later declared themselves to be transgender are, themselves, mentally ill.
From American Thinker blog:
What the study revealed is that, for the boys who identified as girls, 53% of their mothers had Borderline Personality Disorders. For boys who knew that they were boys, only 6% of the mothers had Borderline Personality Disorders.
Seemingly, when boys are transgender, it's not because, baby, they were born that way.  More often than not, it's because they had the spectacular bad luck to be born to a mother with a serious mental disorder.
In Britain, Dr Az Hakeem kind of coined the Transhausen by Proxy term by comparing Munchausen by Proxy to the behavior of parents who insisted their children were a different gender when looking at the Tavistock Clinic.
Parents of children as young as three were fabricating stories that their toddlers were transgender, a former psychiatrist at the Portman Clinic claims.
Dr Az Hakeem worked at the Portman Clinic for 12 years until 2012 running an exploratory Psychotherapy service for adults with gender dysphoria and said he expressed concerns the procedures followed by staff 'were mad', describing Tavistock as a 'transing factory'.
'You had three-year-olds coming in... I saw these parents who had a son but wanted a daughter or the other way around... the parents were saying ''Johnny never looked like a boy so we've changed his name and put on a wig'',' he said, according to The Telegraph.
'I remember saying to them, this is madness. What we're doing is madness. These are children. These are three-year-olds.'
Jonathan Uhler, a licensed counselor in two states who has worked with troubled youth as well as sex abuse victims and sex offenders, expanded on Jackson’s analysis.
“Clinically speaking, at the very least these mothers have what is called technically called Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA), formerly Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP),” Uhler told Breitbart News. “In most cases, you are likely to find a mother who meets the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. However, in my clinical estimation, the earlier the parent transitions the child, you will tend to find a greater evidence for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”
It's mental illness that is destroying children.  And it's still be lauded by the present administration.

Much more at link:

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