Friday, April 28, 2023

Florida Scores Huge Win for Free and Fair Elections Over Marc Elias and an Obama Judge.
On Thursday, a panel of the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals handed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis a huge victory over Marc Elias, judicial overreach, and industrial strength stupidity. By a 2-1 decision, with an Obama judge dissenting, the panel upheld nearly all of Florida’s overhaul of voting rules in May 2021. I would call it controversial, but it was only controversial to people whose lives depend upon supporting vote fraud.
In May 2021, the Florida legislature passed a major overhaul of state election law. The law’s goals were to make elections more transparent and trustworthy while outlawing known abuses of the system, particularly those abuses that came into being based on the whim of unelected officials and judges to allegedly allow the system to cope with an election during a pandemic.
These are bullet points that describe what the Florida law does.

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